flesh out joins/prefetch; add multi-step join example; change examples to use schema...
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / lib / DBIx / Class / Manual / Cookbook.pod
3b44ccc6 1=head1 NAME
9c82c181 2
40dbc108 3DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook - Miscellaneous recipes
ee38fa40 4
40dbc108 5=head1 RECIPES
2913b2d3 6
40dbc108 7=head2 Complex searches
2913b2d3 8
40dbc108 9Sometimes you need to formulate a query using specific operators:
ea6309e2 11 my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({
35d4fe78 12 artist => { 'like', '%Lamb%' },
13 title => { 'like', '%Fear of Fours%' },
14 });
40dbc108 15
16This results in something like the following C<WHERE> clause:
35d4fe78 18 WHERE artist LIKE '%Lamb%' AND title LIKE '%Fear of Fours%'
40dbc108 19
20Other queries might require slightly more complex logic:
ea6309e2 22 my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({
35d4fe78 23 -or => [
24 -and => [
25 artist => { 'like', '%Smashing Pumpkins%' },
26 title => 'Siamese Dream',
27 ],
28 artist => 'Starchildren',
29 ],
30 });
40dbc108 31
32This results in the following C<WHERE> clause:
35d4fe78 34 WHERE ( artist LIKE '%Smashing Pumpkins%' AND title = 'Siamese Dream' )
35 OR artist = 'Starchildren'
40dbc108 36
37For more information on generating complex queries, see
ee38fa40 39
87980de7 40=head2 Disconnecting cleanly
ee38fa40 41
40dbc108 42If you find yourself quitting an app with Control-C a lot during
43development, you might like to put the following signal handler in
44your main database class to make sure it disconnects cleanly:
87980de7 45
35d4fe78 46 $SIG{INT} = sub {
47 __PACKAGE__->storage->dbh->disconnect;
48 };
87980de7 49
50=head2 Using joins and prefetch
ea6309e2 52You can use the "join" attribute to allow searching on, or sorting your
53results by, one or more columns in a related table. To return
54all CDs matching a particular artist name:
56 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
57 {
58 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley'
59 },
60 {
61 join => [qw/artist/], # join the artist table
62 }
63 );
65 # equivalent SQL:
66 # SELECT cd.* FROM cd
67 # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id
68 # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley'
70If required, you can now sort on any column in the related table(s) by
71including it in your "order_by" attribute:
73 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
74 {
75 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley'
76 },
77 {
78 join => [qw/ artist /],
79 order_by => [qw/ artist.name /]
80 }
81 };
83 # equivalent SQL:
84 # SELECT cd.* FROM cd
85 # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id
86 # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley'
87 # ORDER BY artist.name
89Note that the "join" attribute should only be used when you need to search or
90sort using columns in a related table. Joining related tables when you
91only need columns from the main table will make performance worse!
93Now let's say you want to display a list of CDs, each with the name of
94the artist. The following will work fine:
96 while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
97 print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name;
98 }
100There is a problem however. We have searched both cd and artist tables in our
101main query, but we have only returned data from the cd table. To get the artist
102name for any of the CD objects returned, DBIx::Class will go back to the
105 SELECT artist.* FROM artist WHERE artist.id = ?
107A statement like the one above will run for each and every CD returned by our
108main query. Five CDs, five extra queries. A hundred CDs, one hundred extra
111Thankfully, DBIx::Class has a "prefetch" attribute to solve this problem. This
112allows you to fetch results from a related table as well as the main table
113for your class:
115 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
116 {
117 'artist.name' => 'Bob Marley'
118 },
119 {
120 join => [qw/ artist /],
121 order_by => [qw/ artist.name /],
122 prefetch => [qw/ artist /] # return artist data too!
123 }
124 );
126 # equivalent SQL (note SELECT from both "cd" and "artist")
127 # SELECT cd.*, artist.* FROM cd
128 # JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.id
129 # WHERE artist.name = 'Bob Marley'
130 # ORDER BY artist.name
132The code to print the CD list remains the same:
134 while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
135 print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name;
136 }
138DBIx::Class has now prefetched all matching data from the "artist" table,
139so no additional SQL statements are executed. You now have a much more
140efficient query.
142Note that as of DBIx::Class 0.04, "prefetch" cannot be used with has_many
143relationships. You will get an error along the lines of "No accessor for
144prefetched ..." if you try.
146Note that "prefetch" should only be used when you know you will
147definitely use data from a related table. Pre-fetching related tables when you
148only need columns from the main table will make performance worse!
150=head2 Multi-step joins
152Sometimes you want to join more than one relationship deep. In this example,
153we want to find all Artist objects who have CDs whose LinerNotes contain a
154specific string:
156 # Artist->has_many('cds' => 'CD', 'artist');
157 # CD->has_one('liner_notes' => 'LinerNotes', 'cd');
159 $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
160 {
161 'liner_notes.notes' => { 'like', '%some text%' },
162 },
163 {
164 join => {
165 'cds' => 'liner_notes'
166 }
167 }
168 );
170 # equivalent SQL
171 # SELECT artist.* FROM artist
172 # JOIN ( cd ON artist.id = cd.artist )
173 # JOIN ( liner_notes ON cd.id = liner_notes.cd )
174 # WHERE liner_notes.notes LIKE '%some text%'
176Joins can be nested to an arbitrary level. So if we decide later that we
177want to reduce the number of Artists returned based on who wrote the liner
180 # LinerNotes->has_one('author' => 'Person');
182 $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
183 {
184 'liner_notes.notes' => { 'like', '%some text%' },
185 'author.name' => 'A. Writer'
186 },
187 {
188 join => {
189 'cds' => {
190 'liner_notes' => 'author'
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 );
196 # equivalent SQL
197 # SELECT artist.* FROM artist
198 # JOIN ( cd ON artist.id = cd.artist )
199 # JOIN ( liner_notes ON cd.id = liner_notes.cd )
200 # JOIN ( author ON author.id = liner_notes.author )
201 # WHERE liner_notes.notes LIKE '%some text%'
202 # AND author.name = 'A. Writer'
87980de7 203
204=head2 Transactions
206As of version 0.04001, there is improved transaction support in
35d4fe78 207L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI>. Here is an example of the recommended
40dbc108 208way to use it:
87980de7 209
35d4fe78 210 my $genus = Genus->find(12);
211 eval {
212 MyDB->txn_begin;
213 $genus->add_to_species({ name => 'troglodyte' });
214 $genus->wings(2);
215 $genus->update;
216 cromulate($genus); # Can have a nested transation
217 MyDB->txn_commit;
218 };
219 if ($@) {
220 # Rollback might fail, too
87980de7 221 eval {
35d4fe78 222 MyDB->txn_rollback
87980de7 223 };
35d4fe78 224 }
87980de7 225
40dbc108 226Currently, a nested commit will do nothing and a nested rollback will
35d4fe78 227die. The code at each level must be sure to call rollback in the case
40dbc108 228of an error, to ensure that the rollback will propagate to the top
35d4fe78 229level and be issued. Support for savepoints and for true nested
40dbc108 230transactions (for databases that support them) will hopefully be added
231in the future.
ee38fa40 232
130c6439 233=head2 Many-to-many relationships
ee38fa40 234
ea6309e2 235This is straightforward using L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany>:
237 package My::DB;
238 # set up connection here...
240 package My::User;
241 use base 'My::DB';
242 __PACKAGE__->table('user');
243 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id name/);
244 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
245 __PACKAGE__->has_many('user_address' => 'My::UserAddress', 'user');
246 __PACKAGE__->many_to_many('addresses' => 'user_address', 'address');
248 package My::UserAddress;
249 use base 'My::DB';
250 __PACKAGE__->table('user_address');
251 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/user address/);
252 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/user address/);
253 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('user' => 'My::User');
254 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('address' => 'My::Address');
256 package My::Address;
257 use base 'My::DB';
258 __PACKAGE__->table('address');
259 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id street town area_code country/);
260 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
261 __PACKAGE__->has_many('user_address' => 'My::UserAddress', 'address');
262 __PACKAGE__->many_to_many('users' => 'user_address', 'user');
264 $rs = $user->addresses(); # get all addresses for a user
265 $rs = $address->users(); # get all users for an address
ee38fa40 266
a00e1684 267=head2 Setting default values
35d4fe78 269It's as simple as overriding the C<new> method. Note the use of
40dbc108 270C<next::method>.
a00e1684 271
35d4fe78 272 sub new {
273 my ( $class, $attrs ) = @_;
40dbc108 274
35d4fe78 275 $attrs->{foo} = 'bar' unless defined $attrs->{foo};
40dbc108 276
35d4fe78 277 $class->next::method($attrs);
278 }
a00e1684 279
25af00d7 280=head2 Stringification
40dbc108 282Employ the standard stringification technique by using the C<overload>
35d4fe78 283module. Replace C<foo> with the column/method of your choice.
25af00d7 284
35d4fe78 285 use overload '""' => 'foo', fallback => 1;
25af00d7 286
40dbc108 287=cut