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[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / lib / DBIx / Class / Manual / Cookbook.pod
3b44ccc6 1=head1 NAME
9c82c181 2
2913b2d3 3DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook - Misc recipes
ee38fa40 4
2913b2d3 5=head1 DESCRIPTION
7Things that could be handy
9=head1 RECIPES
ee38fa40 10
130c6439 11=head2 Input validation.
ee38fa40 12
130c6439 13=head2 Using joins
ee38fa40 14
130c6439 15=head2 Many-to-many relationships
ee38fa40 16
17This is not as easy as it could be, but it's possible. Here's an example to
dfeba824 20 # Set up inherited connection information
21 package MyApp::DBIC;
dfeba824 22 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
ee38fa40 23
dfeba824 24 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto::SQLite Core DB/);
25 __PACKAGE__->connection(...);
ee38fa40 26
dfeba824 27 # Set up a class for the 'authors' table
28 package MyApp::DBIC::Author;
29 use base qw/MyApp::DBIC/;
ee38fa40 30
dfeba824 31 __PACKAGE__->table('authors');
32 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/authID first_name last_name/);
33 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/authID/);
ee38fa40 34
dfeba824 35 # Define relationship to the link table
36 __PACKAGE__->has_many('b2a' => 'MyApp::DBIC::Book2Author', 'authID');
ee38fa40 37
dfeba824 38 # Create the accessor for books from the ::Author class
39 sub books {
40 my ($self) = @_;
41 return MyApp::DBIC::Book->search(
8ab99068 42 { 'b2a.authID' => $self->authID }, # WHERE clause
43 { join => 'b2a' } # join condition (part of search attrs)
dfeba824 44 # 'b2a' refers to the relationship named earlier in the Author class.
45 # 'b2a.authID' refers to the authID column of the b2a relationship,
46 # which becomes accessible in the search by being joined.
8ab99068 47 );
dfeba824 48 }
ee38fa40 49
dfeba824 50 # define the link table class
51 package MyApp::DBIC::Book2Author;
dfeba824 52 use base qw/MyApp::DBIC/;
ee38fa40 53
dfeba824 54 __PACKAGE__->table('book2author');
55 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/bookID authID/);
56 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/bookID authID/);
ee38fa40 57
dfeba824 58 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('authID' => 'MyApp::DBIC::Author');
59 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('bookID' => 'MyApp::DBIC::Book');
ee38fa40 60
dfeba824 61 package MyApp::DBIC::Book;
dfeba824 62 use base qw/MyApp::DBIC/;
ee38fa40 63
dfeba824 64 __PACKAGE__->table('books');
65 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/bookID title edition isbn publisher year/);
66 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/bookID/);
68 __PACKAGE__->has_many('b2a' => 'MyApp::DBIC::Book2Author', 'bookID');
ee38fa40 69
dfeba824 70 sub authors {
71 my ($self) = @_;
72 return MyApp::DBIC::Author->search(
73 { 'b2a.bookID' => $self->bookID }, # WHERE clause
8ab99068 74 { join => 'b2a' }); # join condition (part of search attrs)
dfeba824 75 }
77 # So the above search returns an author record where the bookID field of the
78 # book2author table equals the bookID of the books (using the bookID
79 # relationship table
ee38fa40 80
130c6439 81=head2 Advanced Exception handling
ee38fa40 82
130c6439 83=head2 Transactions
ee38fa40 84