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[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / lib / Catalyst / Manual / Intro.pod
fc7ec1d9 1=head1 NAME
3Catalyst::Manual::Intro - Introduction to Catalyst
670b3d78 7This is a brief introduction to Catalyst. It explains the most important
aa2b0d97 8features of how Catalyst works and shows how to get a simple application
9up and running quickly. For an introduction (without code) to Catalyst
10itself, and why you should be using it, see L<Catalyst::Manual::About>.
6c5c02ba 11For a systematic step-by-step introduction to writing an application
12with Catalyst, see L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial>.
fc7ec1d9 13
14=head2 What is Catalyst?
d708fed4 16Catalyst is an elegant web application framework, extremely flexible
17yet extremely simple. It's similar to Ruby on Rails, Spring (Java),
18and L<Maypole>, upon which it was originally based. Its most important
19design philosphy is to provide easy access to all the tools you need
20to develop web applications, with few restrictions on how you need to
21use these tools. However, this does mean that it is always possible to
22do things in a different way. Other web frameworks are B<initially>
23simpler to use, but achieve this by locking the programmer into a
24single set of tools. Catalyst's emphasis on flexibility means that you
25have to think more to use it. We view this as a feature. For example,
26this leads to Catalyst being more suited to system integration tasks
27than other web frameworks.
fc7ec1d9 28
29=head3 MVC
e178a66a 31Catalyst follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern,
32allowing you to easily separate concerns, like content, presentation,
33and flow control, into separate modules. This separation allows you to
34modify code that handles one concern without affecting code that handles
35the others. Catalyst promotes the re-use of existing Perl modules that
36already handle common web application concerns well.
fc7ec1d9 37
7f71afbe 38Here's how the Model, View, and Controller map to those concerns, with
39examples of well-known Perl modules you may want to use for each.
fc7ec1d9 40
41=over 4
4a6895ce 43=item * B<Model>
fc7ec1d9 44
e112461a 45Access and modify content (data). L<DBIx::Class>, L<Class::DBI>,
6c5c02ba 46L<Xapian>, L<Net::LDAP>...
fc7ec1d9 47
4a6895ce 48=item * B<View>
fc7ec1d9 49
e178a66a 50Present content to the user. L<Template Toolkit|Template>,
51L<Mason|HTML::Mason>, L<HTML::Template>...
fc7ec1d9 52
4a6895ce 53=item * B<Controller>
fc7ec1d9 54
129cfe74 55Control the whole request phase, check parameters, dispatch actions, flow
56d8daeb 56control. Catalyst itself!
fc7ec1d9 57
d4ef4999 60If you're unfamiliar with MVC and design patterns, you may want to
61check out the original book on the subject, I<Design Patterns>, by
62Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides, also known as the Gang of Four
63(GoF). Many, many web application frameworks are based on MVC, which
d708fed4 64is becoming a popular design paradigm for the world wide web.
fc7ec1d9 65
66=head3 Flexibility
7f71afbe 68Catalyst is much more flexible than many other frameworks. Rest assured
69you can use your favorite Perl modules with Catalyst.
fc7ec1d9 70
71=over 4
72d9bfc7 73=item * B<Multiple Models, Views, and Controllers>
fc7ec1d9 74
e178a66a 75To build a Catalyst application, you handle each type of concern inside
76special modules called L</Components>. Often this code will be very
77simple, just calling out to Perl modules like those listed above under
78L</MVC>. Catalyst handles these components in a very flexible way. Use
79as many Models, Views, and Controllers as you like, using as many
80different Perl modules as you like, all in the same application. Want to
81manipulate multiple databases, and retrieve some data via LDAP? No
82problem. Want to present data from the same Model using L<Template
83Toolkit|Template> and L<PDF::Template>? Easy.
fc7ec1d9 84
cda8d1ac 85=item * B<Reuseable Components>
fc7ec1d9 86
e178a66a 87Not only does Catalyst promote the re-use of already existing Perl
88modules, it also allows you to re-use your Catalyst components in
89multiple Catalyst applications.
fc7ec1d9 90
4a6895ce 91=item * B<Unrestrained URL-to-Action Dispatching>
fc7ec1d9 92
cccc887d 93Catalyst allows you to dispatch any URLs to any application L</Actions>,
e178a66a 94even through regular expressions! Unlike most other frameworks, it
95doesn't require mod_rewrite or class and method names in URLs.
fc7ec1d9 96
e178a66a 97With Catalyst you register your actions and address them directly. For
fc7ec1d9 99
e3dc9d78 100 sub hello : Global {
fc7ec1d9 101 my ( $self, $context ) = @_;
66f6e959 102 $context->response->body('Hello World!');
5a8ed4fe 103 }
fc7ec1d9 104
105Now http://localhost:3000/hello prints "Hello World!".
7f71afbe 107=item * B<Support for CGI, mod_perl, Apache::Request, FastCGI>
fc7ec1d9 108
7f71afbe 109Use L<Catalyst::Engine::Apache> or L<Catalyst::Engine::CGI>. Other
110engines are also available.
fc7ec1d9 111
114=head3 Simplicity
e178a66a 116The best part is that Catalyst implements all this flexibility in a very
117simple way.
fc7ec1d9 118
6f4e1683 119=over 4
4a6895ce 121=item * B<Building Block Interface>
fc7ec1d9 122
e178a66a 123Components interoperate very smoothly. For example, Catalyst
cccc887d 124automatically makes a L</Context> object available to every
e178a66a 125component. Via the context, you can access the request object, share
126data between components, and control the flow of your
127application. Building a Catalyst application feels a lot like snapping
129cfe74 128together toy building blocks, and everything just works.
fc7ec1d9 129
4a6895ce 130=item * B<Component Auto-Discovery>
fc7ec1d9 131
e178a66a 132No need to C<use> all of your components. Catalyst automatically finds
133and loads them.
fc7ec1d9 134
4a6895ce 135=item * B<Pre-Built Components for Popular Modules>
fc7ec1d9 136
e112461a 137See L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema> for L<DBIx::Class>, or
138L<Catalyst::View::TT> for L<Template Toolkit|Template>.
fc7ec1d9 139
72d9bfc7 140=item * B<Built-in Test Framework>
fc7ec1d9 141
e178a66a 142Catalyst comes with a built-in, lightweight http server and test
d708fed4 143framework, making it easy to test applications from the web browser,
144and the command line.
fc7ec1d9 145
4a6895ce 146=item * B<Helper Scripts>
fc7ec1d9 147
e178a66a 148Catalyst provides helper scripts to quickly generate running starter
7f71afbe 149code for components and unit tests. Install L<Catalyst::Devel> and see
fc7ec1d9 151
6f4e1683 152=back
fc7ec1d9 154=head2 Quickstart
e178a66a 156Here's how to install Catalyst and get a simple application up and
157running, using the helper scripts described above.
fc7ec1d9 158
159=head3 Install
7f71afbe 161Installation of Catalyst can be a time-consuming and frustrating
162effort, due to its large number of dependencies. The easiest way
163to get up and running is to use Matt Trout's C<cat-install>
164script, from L<>,
165and then install L<Catalyst::Devel>.
167 # perl cat-install
168 # perl -MCPAN -e 'install Catalyst::Devel'
fc7ec1d9 169
170=head3 Setup
2feb6632 172 $ MyApp
b33ed88c 173 # output omitted
2feb6632 174 $ cd MyApp
ac4a0ae0 175 $ script/ controller Library::Login
fc7ec1d9 176
177=head3 Run
b33ed88c 179 $ script/
fc7ec1d9 180
129cfe74 181Now visit these locations with your favorite browser or user agent to see
182Catalyst in action:
fc7ec1d9 183
51aec62b 184(NOTE: Although we create a controller here, we don't actually use it.
185Both of these URLs should take you to the welcome page.)
fc7ec1d9 188=over 4
190=item http://localhost:3000/
ac4a0ae0 192=item http://localhost:3000/library/login/
fc7ec1d9 193
fc7ec1d9 196=head2 How It Works
e178a66a 198Let's see how Catalyst works, by taking a closer look at the components
199and other parts of a Catalyst application.
fc7ec1d9 200
75c0ec03 201=head3 Components
fc7ec1d9 202
75c0ec03 203Catalyst has an uncommonly flexible component system. You can define as
204many L</Models>, L</Views>, and L</Controllers> as you like. As discussed
205previously, the general idea is that the View is responsible for the
206output of data to the user (typically via a web browser, but a View can
207also generate PDFs or e-mails, for example); the Model is responsible
208for providing data (typically from a relational database); and the
209Controller is responsible for interacting with the user and deciding
210how user input determines what actions the application takes.
212In the world of MVC, there are frequent discussions and disagreements
213about the nature of each element - whether certain types of logic
214belong in the Model or the Controller, etc. Catalyst's flexibility
215means that this decision is entirely up to you, the programmer;
216Catalyst doesn't enforce anything. See L<Catalyst::Manual::About> for
d708fed4 217a general discussion of these issues.
fc7ec1d9 218
75c0ec03 219All components must inherit from L<Catalyst::Base>, which provides a
220simple class structure and some common class methods like C<config> and
221C<new> (constructor).
223 package MyApp::Controller::Catalog;
fc7ec1d9 224
225 use strict;
75c0ec03 226 use base 'Catalyst::Base';
fc7ec1d9 227
75c0ec03 228 __PACKAGE__->config( foo => 'bar' );
fc7ec1d9 229
fc7ec1d9 230 1;
75c0ec03 232You don't have to C<use> or otherwise register Models, Views, and
233Controllers. Catalyst automatically discovers and instantiates them
234when you call C<setup> in the main application. All you need to do is
235put them in directories named for each Component type. You can use a
236short alias for each one.
6c5c02ba 237
fc7ec1d9 238=over 4
75c0ec03 240=item * B<MyApp/Model/>
fc7ec1d9 241
75c0ec03 242=item * B<MyApp/M/>
244=item * B<MyApp/View/>
246=item * B<MyApp/V/>
248=item * B<MyApp/Controller/>
250=item * B<MyApp/C/>
fc7ec1d9 251
fc7ec1d9 252=back
75c0ec03 254In older versions of Catalyst, the recommended practice (and the one
255automatically created by helper scripts) was to name the directories
256C<M/>, C<V/>, and C<C/>. Though these still work, we now recommend
257the use of the full names.
fc7ec1d9 258
75c0ec03 259=head4 Views
fc7ec1d9 260
75c0ec03 261To show how to define views, we'll use an already-existing base class for the
262L<Template Toolkit|Template>, L<Catalyst::View::TT>. All we need to do is
263inherit from this class:
c42f5bbf 264
75c0ec03 265 package MyApp::View::TT;
fc7ec1d9 266
75c0ec03 267 use strict;
268 use base 'Catalyst::View::TT';
fc7ec1d9 269
75c0ec03 270 1;
fc7ec1d9 271
75c0ec03 272(You can also generate this automatically by using the helper script:
fc7ec1d9 273
75c0ec03 274 script/ view TT TT
fc7ec1d9 275
75c0ec03 276where the first C<TT> tells the script that the name of the view should
277be C<TT>, and the second that it should be a Template Toolkit view.)
fc7ec1d9 278
75c0ec03 279This gives us a process() method and we can now just do
280$c->forward('MyApp::View::TT') to render our templates. The base class
281makes process() implicit, so we don't have to say
282C<$c-E<gt>forward(qw/MyApp::View::TT process/)>.
fc7ec1d9 283
75c0ec03 284 sub hello : Global {
285 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
286 $c->stash->{template} = '';
287 }
fc7ec1d9 288
75c0ec03 289 sub end : Private {
290 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
291 $c->forward( $c->view('TT') );
292 }
fc7ec1d9 293
75c0ec03 294You normally render templates at the end of a request, so it's a perfect
295use for the global C<end> action.
fc7ec1d9 296
75c0ec03 297In practice, however, you would use a default C<end> action as supplied
298by L<Catalyst::Action::RenderView>.
fc7ec1d9 299
75c0ec03 300Also, be sure to put the template under the directory specified in
301C<$c-E<gt>config-E<gt>{root}>, or you'll end up looking at the debug
fc7ec1d9 303
75c0ec03 304=head4 Models
fc7ec1d9 305
75c0ec03 306Models are providers of data. This data could come from anywhere - a
d708fed4 307search engine index, a spreadsheet, the file system - but typically a
308Model represents a database table. The data source does not
309intrinsically have much to do with web applications or Catalyst - it
310could just as easily be used to write an offline report generator or a
311command-line tool.
fc7ec1d9 312
75c0ec03 313To show how to define models, again we'll use an already-existing base
314class, this time for L<DBIx::Class>: L<Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema>.
315We'll also need L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>.
fc7ec1d9 316
75c0ec03 317But first, we need a database.
fc7ec1d9 318
75c0ec03 319 -- myapp.sql
320 CREATE TABLE foo (
322 data TEXT
323 );
fc7ec1d9 324
75c0ec03 325 CREATE TABLE bar (
328 data TEXT
329 );
fc7ec1d9 330
75c0ec03 331 INSERT INTO foo (data) VALUES ('TEST!');
d4ef4999 332
75c0ec03 333 % sqlite /tmp/myapp.db < myapp.sql
fc7ec1d9 334
75c0ec03 335Now we can create a DBIC::SchemaLoader component for this database.
fc7ec1d9 336
75c0ec03 337 script/ model DBIC DBIC::SchemaLoader 'dbi:SQLite:/tmp/myapp.db'
fc7ec1d9 338
75c0ec03 339L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> automatically loads table layouts and
340relationships. Use the stash to pass data to your templates.
342We add the following to MyApp/Controller/
344 sub view : Global {
345 my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
347 $c->stash->{item} = $c->model('DBIC::Foo')->find($id);
5a8ed4fe 348 }
fc7ec1d9 349
75c0ec03 350 1;
352 sub end : Private {
5a8ed4fe 353 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
75c0ec03 354
355 $c->stash->{template} ||= '';
356 $c->forward( $c->view('TT') );
5a8ed4fe 357 }
fc7ec1d9 358
75c0ec03 359We then create a new template file "root/" containing:
dd25a192 360
75c0ec03 361 The Id's data is [% %]
fc7ec1d9 362
75c0ec03 363Models do not have to be part of your Catalyst application; you
364can always call an outside module that serves as your Model:
cda8d1ac 365
75c0ec03 366 # in a Controller
367 sub list : Local {
368 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
370 $c->stash->{template} = '';
372 use Some::Outside::Database::Module;
373 my @records = Some::Outside::Database::Module->search({
374 artist => 'Led Zeppelin',
375 });
377 $c->stash->{records} = \@records;
378 }
c37916b0 379
d708fed4 380But by using a Model that is part of your Catalyst application, you
381gain several things: you don't have to C<use> each component, Catalyst
382will find and load it automatically at compile-time; you can
383C<forward> to the module, which can only be done to Catalyst
384components. Only Catalyst components can be fetched with
75c0ec03 385C<$c-E<gt>model('SomeModel')>.
c37916b0 386
75c0ec03 387Happily, since many people have existing Model classes that they
388would like to use with Catalyst (or, conversely, they want to
389write Catalyst models that can be used outside of Catalyst, e.g.
390in a cron job), it's trivial to write a simple component in
391Catalyst that slurps in an outside Model:
c37916b0 392
75c0ec03 393 package MyApp::Model::DB;
394 use base qw/Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema/;
395 __PACKAGE__->config(
396 schema_class => 'Some::DBIC::Schema',
397 connect_info => ['dbi:SQLite:foo.db', '', '', {AutoCommit=>1}]
398 );
c37916b0 399 1;
75c0ec03 401and that's it! Now C<Some::DBIC::Schema> is part of your
402Cat app as C<MyApp::Model::DB>.
c37916b0 403
75c0ec03 404Within Catalyst, the common approach to writing a model for your
405application is wrapping a generic model (e.g. L<DBIx::Class::Schema>, a
406bunch of XMLs, or anything really) with an object that contains
407configuration data, convenience methods, and so forth. Thus you
408will in effect have two models - a wrapper model that knows something
409about Catalyst and your web application, and a generic model that is
410totally independent of these needs.
c37916b0 411
75c0ec03 412Technically, within Catalyst a model is a B<component> - an instance of
413the model's class belonging to the application. It is important to
414stress that the lifetime of these objects is per application, not per
417While the model base class (L<Catalyst::Model>) provides things like
418C<config> to better integrate the model into the application, sometimes
419this is not enough, and the model requires access to C<$c> itself.
421Situations where this need might arise include:
fc7ec1d9 422
423=over 4
75c0ec03 425=item *
fc7ec1d9 426
75c0ec03 427Interacting with another model
fc7ec1d9 428
75c0ec03 429=item *
0cf56dbc 430
75c0ec03 431Using per-request data to control behavior
0cf56dbc 432
75c0ec03 433=item *
fc7ec1d9 434
75c0ec03 435Using plugins from a Model (for example L<Catalyst::Plugin::Cache>).
0cf56dbc 436
75c0ec03 437=back
0cf56dbc 438
75c0ec03 439From a style perspective it's usually considered bad form to make your
440model "too smart" about things - it should worry about business logic
441and leave the integration details to the controllers. If, however, you
442find that it does not make sense at all to use an auxillary controller
443around the model, and the model's need to access C<$c> cannot be
444sidestepped, there exists a power tool called L</ACCEPT_CONTEXT>.
fc7ec1d9 445
75c0ec03 446=head4 Controllers
fc7ec1d9 447
75c0ec03 448Multiple controllers are a good way to separate logical domains of your
b33ed88c 450
75c0ec03 451 package MyApp::Controller::Login;
66f6e959 452
75c0ec03 453 use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
66f6e959 454
75c0ec03 455 sub login : Path("login") { }
456 sub new_password : Path("new-password") { }
457 sub logout : Path("logout") { }
fc7ec1d9 458
75c0ec03 459 package MyApp::Controller::Catalog;
0cf56dbc 460
75c0ec03 461 use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
0cf56dbc 462
75c0ec03 463 sub view : Local { }
464 sub list : Local { }
66f6e959 465
75c0ec03 466 package MyApp::Controller::Cart;
fc7ec1d9 467
75c0ec03 468 use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
cda8d1ac 469
75c0ec03 470 sub add : Local { }
471 sub update : Local { }
472 sub order : Local { }
cda8d1ac 473
75c0ec03 474Note that you can also supply attributes via the Controller's config so
475long as you have at least one attribute on a subref to be exported
476(:Action is commonly used for this) - for example the following is
477equivalent to the same controller above:
c37916b0 478
75c0ec03 479 package MyApp::Controller::Login;
cda8d1ac 480
75c0ec03 481 use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;
fc7ec1d9 482
75c0ec03 483 __PACKAGE__->config(
484 actions => {
485 'sign_in' => { Path => 'sign-in' },
486 'new_password' => { Path => 'new-password' },
487 'sign_out' => { Path => 'sign-out' },
488 },
489 );
fc7ec1d9 490
75c0ec03 491 sub sign_in : Action { }
492 sub new_password : Action { }
493 sub sign_out : Action { }
fc7ec1d9 494
75c0ec03 495=head3 ACCEPT_CONTEXT
fc7ec1d9 496
75c0ec03 497Whenever you call $c->component("Foo") you get back an object - the
498instance of the model. If the component supports the C<ACCEPT_CONTEXT>
499method instead of returning the model itself, the return value of C<<
500$model->ACCEPT_CONTEXT( $c ) >> will be used.
05a90578 501
75c0ec03 502This means that whenever your model/view/controller needs to talk to C<$c> it
503gets a chance to do this when it's needed.
05a90578 504
75c0ec03 505A typical C<ACCEPT_CONTEXT> method will either clone the model and return one
506with the context object set, or it will return a thin wrapper that contains
507C<$c> and delegates to the per-application model object.
05a90578 508
75c0ec03 509A typical C<ACCEPT_CONTEXT> method could look like this:
512 my ( $self, $c, @extra_arguments ) = @_;
513 bless { %$self, c => $c }, ref($self);
05a90578 514 }
75c0ec03 516effectively treating $self as a B<prototype object> that gets a new parameter.
517C<@extra_arguments> comes from any trailing arguments to
518C<< $c->component( $bah, @extra_arguments ) >> (or C<< $c->model(...) >>,
519C<< $c->view(...) >> etc).
05a90578 520
75c0ec03 521The life time of this value is B<per usage>, and not per request. To make this
522per request you can use the following technique:
fc7ec1d9 523
75c0ec03 524Add a field to C<$c>, like C<my_model_instance>. Then write your
525C<ACCEPT_CONTEXT> method to look like this:
fc7ec1d9 526
75c0ec03 527 sub ACCEPT_CONTEXT {
528 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
fc7ec1d9 529
75c0ec03 530 if ( my $per_request = $c->my_model_instance ) {
531 return $per_request;
532 } else {
533 my $new_instance = bless { %$self, c => $c }, ref($self);
534 Scalar::Util::weaken($new_instance->{c}); # or we have a circular reference
535 $c->my_model_instance( $new_instance );
536 return $new_instance;
537 }
538 }
fc7ec1d9 539
75c0ec03 540=head3 Application Class
fc7ec1d9 541
75c0ec03 542In addition to the Model, View, and Controller components, there's a
543single class that represents your application itself. This is where you
544configure your application, load plugins, and extend Catalyst.
baf5120b 545
75c0ec03 546 package MyApp;
baf5120b 547
75c0ec03 548 use strict;
549 use Catalyst qw/-Debug/; # Add other plugins here, e.g.
550 # for session support
baf5120b 551
75c0ec03 552 MyApp->config(
553 name => 'My Application',
baf5120b 554
75c0ec03 555 # You can put anything else you want in here:
556 my_configuration_variable => 'something',
557 );
558 1;
baf5120b 559
75c0ec03 560In older versions of Catalyst, the application class was where you put
561global actions. However, as of version 5.66, the recommended practice is
562to place such actions in a special Root controller (see L</Actions>,
563below), to avoid namespace collisions.
565=over 4
567=item * B<name>
569The name of your application.
baf5120b 570
fc7ec1d9 571=back
75c0ec03 573Optionally, you can specify a B<root> parameter for templates and static
574data. If omitted, Catalyst will try to auto-detect the directory's
575location. You can define as many parameters as you want for plugins or
576whatever you need. You can access them anywhere in your application via
cda8d1ac 578
75c0ec03 579=head3 Context
fc7ec1d9 580
75c0ec03 581Catalyst automatically blesses a Context object into your application
582class and makes it available everywhere in your application. Use the
583Context to directly interact with Catalyst and glue your L</Components>
584together. For example, if you need to use the Context from within a
585Template Toolkit template, it's already there:
fc7ec1d9 586
75c0ec03 587 <h1>Welcome to [% %]!</h1>
fc7ec1d9 588
75c0ec03 589As illustrated in our URL-to-Action dispatching example, the Context is
590always the second method parameter, behind the Component object
591reference or class name itself. Previously we called it C<$context> for
592clarity, but most Catalyst developers just call it C<$c>:
fc7ec1d9 593
75c0ec03 594 sub hello : Global {
595 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
596 $c->res->body('Hello World!');
597 }
fc7ec1d9 598
75c0ec03 599The Context contains several important objects:
0cf56dbc 600
75c0ec03 601=over 4
66f6e959 602
75c0ec03 603=item * L<Catalyst::Request>
66f6e959 604
75c0ec03 605 $c->request
606 $c->req # alias
fc7ec1d9 607
75c0ec03 608The request object contains all kinds of request-specific information, like
609query parameters, cookies, uploads, headers, and more.
fc7ec1d9 610
75c0ec03 611 $c->req->params->{foo};
612 $c->req->cookies->{sessionid};
613 $c->req->headers->content_type;
614 $c->req->base;
615 $c->req->uri_with( { page = $pager->next_page } );
4a6895ce 616
75c0ec03 617=item * L<Catalyst::Response>
fc7ec1d9 618
75c0ec03 619 $c->response
620 $c->res # alias
fc9c8698 621
75c0ec03 622The response is like the request, but contains just response-specific
fc7ec1d9 624
75c0ec03 625 $c->res->body('Hello World');
626 $c->res->status(404);
627 $c->res->redirect('');
fc7ec1d9 628
75c0ec03 629=item * L<Catalyst::Config>
cda8d1ac 630
75c0ec03 631 $c->config
632 $c->config->root;
633 $c->config->name;
80ef2e6d 634
75c0ec03 635=item * L<Catalyst::Log>
80ef2e6d 636
75c0ec03 637 $c->log
638 $c->log->debug('Something happened');
639 $c->log->info('Something you should know');
80ef2e6d 640
75c0ec03 641=item * B<Stash>
80ef2e6d 642
75c0ec03 643 $c->stash
644 $c->stash->{foo} = 'bar';
645 $c->stash->{baz} = {baz => 'qox'};
646 $c->stash->{fred} = [qw/wilma pebbles/];
80ef2e6d 647
75c0ec03 648and so on.
cda8d1ac 649
4a6895ce 651
75c0ec03 652The last of these, the stash, is a universal hash for sharing data among
653application components. For an example, we return to our 'hello' action:
fc7ec1d9 654
e3dc9d78 655 sub hello : Global {
5a8ed4fe 656 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
657 $c->stash->{message} = 'Hello World!';
4c6807d2 658 $c->forward('show_message');
5a8ed4fe 659 }
fc7ec1d9 660
4c6807d2 661 sub show_message : Private {
5a8ed4fe 662 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
66f6e959 663 $c->res->body( $c->stash->{message} );
5a8ed4fe 664 }
3323f920 665
75c0ec03 666Note that the stash should be used only for passing data in an
667individual request cycle; it gets cleared at a new request. If you need
668to maintain persistent data, use a session. See
669L<Catalyst::Plugin::Session> for a comprehensive set of
670Catalyst-friendly session-handling tools.
3323f920 671
75c0ec03 672=head3 Actions
3323f920 673
75c0ec03 674A Catalyst controller is defined by its actions. An action is a
675subroutine with a special attribute. You've already seen some examples
676of actions in this document. The URL (for example
677http://localhost.3000/foo/bar) consists of two parts, the base
678(http://localhost:3000/ in this example) and the path (foo/bar). Please
679note that the trailing slash after the hostname[:port] always belongs to
680base and not to the action.
b248fa4a 681
75c0ec03 682=over 4
cda8d1ac 683
75c0ec03 684=item * B<Application Wide Actions>
fc7ec1d9 685
75c0ec03 686Actions which are called at the root level of the application
687(e.g. http://localhost:3000/ ) go in MyApp::Controller::Root, like
fc7ec1d9 689
75c0ec03 690 package MyApp::Controller::Root;
691 use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
692 # Sets the actions in this controller to be registered with no prefix
693 # so they function identically to actions created in
694 __PACKAGE__->config->{namespace} = '';
695 sub default : Private {
696 my ( $self, $context ) = @_;
697 $context->response->body('Catalyst rocks!');
5a8ed4fe 698 }
75c0ec03 699 1;
fc7ec1d9 700
75c0ec03 701=back
fc7ec1d9 702
75c0ec03 703=head4 Action types
fc7ec1d9 704
75c0ec03 705Catalyst supports several types of actions:
fc7ec1d9 706
75c0ec03 707=over 4
fc7ec1d9 708
75c0ec03 709=item * B<Literal> (B<Path> actions)
fc7ec1d9 710
75c0ec03 711 package MyApp::Controller::My::Controller;
712 sub bar : Path('foo/bar') { }
fc7ec1d9 713
75c0ec03 714Literal C<Path> actions will act relative to their current
715namespace. The above example matches only
716http://localhost:3000/my/controller/foo/bar. If you start your path with
717a forward slash, it will match from the root. Example:
fc7ec1d9 718
75c0ec03 719 package MyApp::Controller::My::Controller;
720 sub bar : Path('/foo/bar') { }
fc7ec1d9 721
75c0ec03 722Matches only http://localhost:3000/foo/bar.
fc7ec1d9 723
75c0ec03 724 package MyApp::Controller::My::Controller;
725 sub bar : Path { }
fc7ec1d9 726
75c0ec03 727By leaving the C<Path> definition empty, it will match on the namespace
728root. The above code matches http://localhost:3000/my/controller.
fc7ec1d9 729
75c0ec03 730=item * B<Regex>
fc7ec1d9 731
75c0ec03 732 sub bar : Regex('^item(\d+)/order(\d+)$') { }
fc7ec1d9 733
75c0ec03 734Matches any URL that matches the pattern in the action key, e.g.
735http://localhost:3000/item23/order42. The '' around the regexp is
736optional, but perltidy likes it. :)
fc7ec1d9 737
75c0ec03 738Regex matches act globally, i.e. without reference to the namespace from
739which it is called, so that a C<bar> method in the
740C<MyApp::Controller::Catalog::Order::Process> namespace won't match any
741form of C<bar>, C<Catalog>, C<Order>, or C<Process> unless you
742explicitly put this in the regex. To achieve the above, you should
743consider using a C<LocalRegex> action.
fc7ec1d9 744
75c0ec03 745=item * B<LocalRegex>
fc7ec1d9 746
75c0ec03 747 sub bar : LocalRegex('^widget(\d+)$') { }
fc7ec1d9 748
75c0ec03 749LocalRegex actions act locally. If you were to use C<bar> in
750C<MyApp::Controller::Catalog>, the above example would match urls like
fc7ec1d9 752
75c0ec03 753If you omit the "C<^>" from your regex, then it will match any depth
754from the controller and not immediately off of the controller name. The
755following example differs from the above code in that it will match
756http://localhost:3000/catalog/foo/widget23 as well.
fc7ec1d9 757
75c0ec03 758 package MyApp::Controller::Catalog;
759 sub bar : LocalRegex('widget(\d+)$') { }
fc7ec1d9 760
75c0ec03 761For both LocalRegex and Regex actions, if you use capturing parentheses
762to extract values within the matching URL, those values are available in
763the C<$c-E<gt>req-E<gt>captures> array. In the above example, "widget23"
764would capture "23" in the above example, and
765C<$c-E<gt>req-E<gt>captures-E<gt>[0]> would be "23". If you want to pass
766arguments at the end of your URL, you must use regex action keys. See
767L</URL Path Handling> below.
fc7ec1d9 768
75c0ec03 769=item * B<Top-level> (B<Global>)
6c5c02ba 770
75c0ec03 771 package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
772 sub foo : Global { }
fc7ec1d9 773
75c0ec03 774Matches http://localhost:3000/foo. The function name is mapped
775directly to the application base. You can provide an equivalent
776function in this case by doing the following:
fc7ec1d9 777
75c0ec03 778 package MyApp::Controller::Root
779 sub foo : Local { }
fc7ec1d9 780
75c0ec03 781=item * B<Namespace-Prefixed> (B<Local>)
fc7ec1d9 782
75c0ec03 783 package MyApp::Controller::My::Controller;
784 sub foo : Local { }
fc7ec1d9 785
75c0ec03 786Matches http://localhost:3000/my/controller/foo.
b33ed88c 787
75c0ec03 788This action type indicates that the matching URL must be prefixed with a
789modified form of the component's class (package) name. This modified
790class name excludes the parts that have a pre-defined meaning in
791Catalyst ("MyApp::Controller" in the above example), replaces "::" with
792"/", and converts the name to lower case. See L</Components> for a full
793explanation of the pre-defined meaning of Catalyst component class
b33ed88c 795
75c0ec03 796=item * B<Chained>
b33ed88c 797
75c0ec03 798Catalyst also provides a method to build and dispatch chains of actions,
fc7ec1d9 800
75c0ec03 801 sub catalog : Chained : CaptureArgs(1) {
802 my ( $self, $c, $arg ) = @_;
803 ...
5a8ed4fe 804 }
fc7ec1d9 805
75c0ec03 806 sub item : Chained('catalog') : Args(1) {
807 my ( $self, $c, $arg ) = @_;
808 ...
5a8ed4fe 809 }
fc7ec1d9 810
d708fed4 811to handle a C</catalog/*/item/*> path. For further information about this
75c0ec03 812dispatch type, please see L<Catalyst::DispatchType::Chained>.
7f71afbe 813
75c0ec03 814=item * B<Private>
fc7ec1d9 815
75c0ec03 816 sub foo : Private { }
fc7ec1d9 817
75c0ec03 818Matches no URL, and cannot be executed by requesting a URL that
819corresponds to the action key. Private actions can be executed only
820inside a Catalyst application, by calling the C<forward> method:
fc7ec1d9 821
75c0ec03 822 $c->forward('foo');
fc7ec1d9 823
75c0ec03 824See L</Flow Control> for a full explanation of C<forward>. Note that, as
825discussed there, when forwarding from another component, you must use
826the absolute path to the method, so that a private C<bar> method in your
827C<MyApp::Controller::Catalog::Order::Process> controller must, if called
828from elsewhere, be reached with
fc7ec1d9 830
75c0ec03 831=item * B<Args>
fc7ec1d9 832
75c0ec03 833Args is not an action type per se, but an action modifier - it adds a
834match restriction to any action it's provided to, requiring only as many
835path parts as are specified for the action to be valid - for example in
fc7ec1d9 837
75c0ec03 838 sub bar :Local
fc7ec1d9 839
75c0ec03 840would match any URL starting /foo/bar/. To restrict this you can do
fc7ec1d9 841
75c0ec03 842 sub bar :Local :Args(1)
fc7ec1d9 843
75c0ec03 844to only match /foo/bar/*/
fc7ec1d9 845
75c0ec03 846=back
fc7ec1d9 847
75c0ec03 848B<Note:> After seeing these examples, you probably wonder what the point
849is of defining names for regex and path actions. Every public action is
850also a private one, so you have one unified way of addressing components
851in your C<forward>s.
fc7ec1d9 852
75c0ec03 853=head4 Built-in Private Actions
b248fa4a 854
75c0ec03 855In response to specific application states, Catalyst will automatically
856call these built-in private actions in your application class:
fc7ec1d9 857
75c0ec03 858=over 4
fc7ec1d9 859
75c0ec03 860=item * B<default : Private>
fc7ec1d9 861
75c0ec03 862Called when no other action matches. Could be used, for example, for
863displaying a generic frontpage for the main app, or an error page for
864individual controllers.
fc7ec1d9 865
75c0ec03 866If C<default> isn't acting how you would expect, look at using a
867L</Literal> C<Path> action (with an empty path string). The difference
868is that C<Path> takes arguments relative from the namespace and
869C<default> I<always> takes arguments relative from the root, regardless
870of what controller it's in. Indeed, this is now the recommended way of
871handling default situations; the C<default> private controller should
872be considered deprecated.
6b10c72b 873
75c0ec03 874=item * B<index : Private>
876C<index> is much like C<default> except that it takes no arguments
877and it is weighted slightly higher in the matching process. It is
878useful as a static entry point to a controller, e.g. to have a static
879welcome page. Note that it's also weighted higher than Path.
881=item * B<begin : Private>
883Called at the beginning of a request, before any matching actions are
886=item * B<end : Private>
888Called at the end of a request, after all matching actions are called.
892=head4 Built-in actions in controllers/autochaining
894 Package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
895 sub begin : Private { }
896 sub default : Private { }
897 sub auto : Private { }
899You can define built-in private actions within your controllers as
900well. The actions will override the ones in less-specific controllers,
901or your application class. In other words, for each of the three
902built-in private actions, only one will be run in any request
903cycle. Thus, if C<MyApp::Controller::Catalog::begin> exists, it will be
904run in place of C<MyApp::begin> if you're in the C<catalog> namespace,
905and C<MyApp::Controller::Catalog::Order::begin> would override this in
6b10c72b 907
75c0ec03 908=item * B<auto : Private>
6b10c72b 909
75c0ec03 910In addition to the normal built-in actions, you have a special action
911for making chains, C<auto>. Such C<auto> actions will be run after any
912C<begin>, but before your action is processed. Unlike the other
913built-ins, C<auto> actions I<do not> override each other; they will be
914called in turn, starting with the application class and going through to
915the I<most> specific class. I<This is the reverse of the order in which
916the normal built-ins override each other>.
6b10c72b 917
75c0ec03 918Here are some examples of the order in which the various built-ins
919would be called:
6b10c72b 920
75c0ec03 921=over 4
6b10c72b 922
75c0ec03 923=item for a request for C</foo/foo>
fc7ec1d9 924
75c0ec03 925 MyApp::begin
926 MyApp::auto
927 MyApp::Controller::Foo::default # in the absence of MyApp::Controller::Foo::Foo
928 MyApp::end
fc7ec1d9 929
75c0ec03 930=item for a request for C</foo/bar/foo>
fc7ec1d9 931
75c0ec03 932 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::begin
933 MyApp::auto
934 MyApp::Controller::Foo::auto
935 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::auto
936 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::default # for MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::foo
937 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::end
c02f7490 938
75c0ec03 939=back
fc7ec1d9 940
75c0ec03 941The C<auto> action is also distinguished by the fact that you can break
942out of the processing chain by returning 0. If an C<auto> action returns
9430, any remaining actions will be skipped, except for C<end>. So, for the
944request above, if the first auto returns false, the chain would look
945like this:
fc7ec1d9 946
75c0ec03 947=over 4
c02f7490 948
75c0ec03 949=item for a request for C</foo/bar/foo> where first C<auto> returns
fc7ec1d9 951
75c0ec03 952 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::begin
953 MyApp::auto
954 MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar::end
fc7ec1d9 955
75c0ec03 956=back
c02f7490 957
75c0ec03 958An example of why one might use this is an authentication action: you
959could set up a C<auto> action to handle authentication in your
960application class (which will always be called first), and if
961authentication fails, returning 0 would skip any remaining methods
962for that URL.
fc7ec1d9 963
75c0ec03 964B<Note:> Looking at it another way, C<auto> actions have to return a
965true value to continue processing! You can also C<die> in the auto
966action; in that case, the request will go straight to the finalize
967stage, without processing further actions.
c02f7490 968
75c0ec03 969=head4 URL Path Handling
c02f7490 970
75c0ec03 971You can pass variable arguments as part of the URL path, separated with
972forward slashes (/). If the action is a Regex or LocalRegex, the '$' anchor
973must be used. For example, suppose you want to handle C</foo/$bar/$baz>,
974where C<$bar> and C<$baz> may vary:
c02f7490 975
75c0ec03 976 sub foo : Regex('^foo$') { my ($self, $context, $bar, $baz) = @_; }
c02f7490 977
75c0ec03 978But what if you also defined actions for C</foo/boo> and C</foo/boo/hoo>?
c02f7490 979
75c0ec03 980 sub boo : Path('foo/boo') { .. }
981 sub hoo : Path('foo/boo/hoo') { .. }
24cda51b 982
75c0ec03 983Catalyst matches actions in most specific to least specific order:
24cda51b 984
75c0ec03 985 /foo/boo/hoo
986 /foo/boo
987 /foo # might be /foo/bar/baz but won't be /foo/boo/hoo
24cda51b 988
75c0ec03 989So Catalyst would never mistakenly dispatch the first two URLs to the
990'^foo$' action.
24cda51b 991
75c0ec03 992If a Regex or LocalRegex action doesn't use the '$' anchor, the action will
993still match a URL containing arguments, however the arguments won't be
994available via C<@_>.
24cda51b 995
75c0ec03 996=head4 Parameter Processing
24cda51b 997
75c0ec03 998Parameters passed in the URL query string are handled with methods in
999the L<Catalyst::Request> class. The C<param> method is functionally
1000equivalent to the C<param> method of C<> and can be used in
1001modules that require this.
24cda51b 1002
75c0ec03 1003 # http://localhost:3000/catalog/view/?category=hardware&page=3
1004 my $category = $c->req->param('category');
1005 my $current_page = $c->req->param('page') || 1;
24cda51b 1006
75c0ec03 1007 # multiple values for single parameter name
1008 my @values = $c->req->param('scrolling_list');
24cda51b 1009
75c0ec03 1010 # DFV requires a input hash
1011 my $results = Data::FormValidator->check($c->req->params, \%dfv_profile);
24cda51b 1012
75c0ec03 1013=head3 Flow Control
24cda51b 1014
75c0ec03 1015You control the application flow with the C<forward> method, which
1016accepts the key of an action to execute. This can be an action in the
1017same or another Catalyst controller, or a Class name, optionally
1018followed by a method name. After a C<forward>, the control flow will
1019return to the method from which the C<forward> was issued.
24cda51b 1020
75c0ec03 1021A C<forward> is similar to a method call. The main differences are that
1022it wraps the call in an C<eval> to allow exception handling; it
1023automatically passes along the context object (C<$c> or C<$context>);
1024and it allows profiling of each call (displayed in the log with
1025debugging enabled).
24cda51b 1026
75c0ec03 1027 sub hello : Global {
1028 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1029 $c->stash->{message} = 'Hello World!';
1030 $c->forward('check_message'); # $c is automatically included
1031 }
24cda51b 1032
75c0ec03 1033 sub check_message : Private {
1034 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1035 return unless $c->stash->{message};
1036 $c->forward('show_message');
1037 }
24cda51b 1038
75c0ec03 1039 sub show_message : Private {
1040 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1041 $c->res->body( $c->stash->{message} );
1042 }
24cda51b 1043
75c0ec03 1044A C<forward> does not create a new request, so your request object
1045(C<$c-E<gt>req>) will remain unchanged. This is a key difference between
1046using C<forward> and issuing a redirect.
24cda51b 1047
75c0ec03 1048You can pass new arguments to a C<forward> by adding them
1049in an anonymous array. In this case C<$c-E<gt>req-E<gt>args>
1050will be changed for the duration of the C<forward> only; upon
1051return, the original value of C<$c-E<gt>req-E<gt>args> will
1052be reset.
24cda51b 1053
75c0ec03 1054 sub hello : Global {
1055 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1056 $c->stash->{message} = 'Hello World!';
1057 $c->forward('check_message',[qw/test1/]);
1058 # now $c->req->args is back to what it was before
1059 }
24cda51b 1060
75c0ec03 1061 sub check_message : Private {
1062 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1063 my $first_argument = $c->req->args->[0]; # now = 'test1'
1064 # do something...
1065 }
24cda51b 1066
75c0ec03 1067As you can see from these examples, you can just use the method name as
1068long as you are referring to methods in the same controller. If you want
1069to forward to a method in another controller, or the main application,
1070you will have to refer to the method by absolute path.
24cda51b 1071
75c0ec03 1072 $c->forward('/my/controller/action');
1073 $c->forward('/default'); # calls default in main application
24cda51b 1074
75c0ec03 1075Here are some examples of how to forward to classes and methods.
24cda51b 1076
75c0ec03 1077 sub hello : Global {
1078 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1079 $c->forward(qw/MyApp::Model::Hello say_hello/);
1080 }
24cda51b 1081
75c0ec03 1082 sub bye : Global {
1083 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1084 $c->forward('MyApp::Model::Hello'); # no method: will try 'process'
1085 }
24cda51b 1086
75c0ec03 1087 package MyApp::Model::Hello;
24cda51b 1088
75c0ec03 1089 sub say_hello {
1090 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1091 $c->res->body('Hello World!');
1092 }
5403ad42 1093
75c0ec03 1094 sub process {
1095 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
1096 $c->res->body('Goodbye World!');
5403ad42 1097 }
24cda51b 1098
75c0ec03 1099Note that C<forward> returns to the calling action and continues
1100processing after the action finishes. If you want all further processing
1101in the calling action to stop, use C<detach> instead, which will execute
1102the C<detach>ed action and not return to the calling sub. In both cases,
1103Catalyst will automatically try to call process() if you omit the
24cda51b 1106
fc7ec1d9 1107=head3 Testing
75c0ec03 1109Catalyst has a built-in http server for testing or local
1110deployment. (Later, you can easily use a more powerful server, for
1111example Apache/mod_perl or FastCGI, in a production environment.)
fc7ec1d9 1112
1113Start your application on the command line...
b33ed88c 1115 script/
fc7ec1d9 1116
1117...then visit http://localhost:3000/ in a browser to view the output.
1119You can also do it all from the command line:
b33ed88c 1121 script/ http://localhost/
fc7ec1d9 1122
75c0ec03 1123Catalyst has a number of tools for actual regression testing of
1124applications. The helper scripts will automatically generate basic tests
1125that can be extended as you develop your project. To write your own
1126comprehensive test scripts, L<Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst> is an
1127invaluable tool.
1129For more testing ideas, see L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::Testing>.
fc7ec1d9 1131Have fun!
75c0ec03 1133=head1 SEE ALSO
1135=item * L<Catalyst::Manual::About>
1137=item * L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial>
1139=item * L<Catalyst>
3cb1db8c 1141=head1 SUPPORT
1145 Join #catalyst on
75c0ec03 1146 Join #catalyst-dev on to help with development.
3cb1db8c 1147
75c0ec03 1148Mailing lists:
3cb1db8c 1149
fc7ec1d9 1153=head1 AUTHOR
cda8d1ac 1155Sebastian Riedel, C<>
1156David Naughton, C<>
1157Marcus Ramberg, C<>
f531dd37 1158Jesse Sheidlower, C<>
129cfe74 1159Danijel Milicevic, C<>
c37916b0 1160Kieren Diment, C<>
24cda51b 1161Yuval Kogman, C<>
fc7ec1d9 1162
1163=head1 COPYRIGHT
75c0ec03 1165This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
aa2b0d97 1166under the same terms as Perl itself.