up version to prepare release
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / lib / Catalyst / Delta.pod
8c57b129 1=head1 NAME
6c18e892 2
8c57b129 3Catalyst::Delta - Overview of changes between versions of Catalyst
46fff667 7This is an overview of the user-visible changes to Catalyst between major
8Catalyst releases.
cbe13760 10=head2 VERSION 5.90090+
12=head2 Type constraints on Args and CaptureArgs.
14You may now use a type constraint (using L<Moose>, L<MooseX::Types> or preferably
c1192f1e 15L<Type::Tiny> in your Args or CaptureArgs action attributes. This can be used
cbe13760 16to restrict the value of the Arg. For example:
18 sub myaction :Local Args(Int) { ... }
20Would match '.../myaction/5' but not '.../myaction/string'.
22When an action (or action chain) has Args (or CaptureArgs) that declare type constraints
23your arguments to $c->uri_for(...) must match those constraints.
25See L<Catalyst::RouteMatching> for more.
ec4d7259 27=head2 Move CatalystX::InjectComponent into core
29L<Catalyst::Utils> has a new method 'inject_component' which works the same as the method of
30the same name in L<CatalystX::InjectComponent>.
044e7667 32=head2 inject_components
34New configuration key allows you to inject components directly into your application without
35any subclasses. For example:
37 MyApp->config({
38 inject_components => {
39 'Controller::Err' => { from_component => 'Local::Controller::Errors' },
40 'Model::Zoo' => { from_component => 'Local::Model::Foo' },
41 'Model::Foo' => { from_component => 'Local::Model::Foo', roles => ['TestRole'] },
42 },
43 'Controller::Err' => { a => 100, b=>200, namespace=>'error' },
44 'Model::Zoo' => { a => 2 },
45 'Model::Foo' => { a => 100 },
46 });
48Injected components are useful to reduce the ammount of nearly empty boilerplate classes
49you might have, particularly when first starting an application.
51=head2 Component setup changes.
53Previously you could not depend on an application scoped component doing setup_components
54since components were setup 'in order'. Now all components are first registered and then
55setup, so you can now reliably use any component doing setup_components.
77b5811a 57=head2 VERSION 5.90080+
59The biggest change in this release is that UTF8 encoding is now enabled by
60default. So you no longer need any plugins (such as L<Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding>)
61which you can just no go ahead and remove. You also don't need to set
62the encoding configuration (__PACKAGE__->config(encoding=>'UTF-8')) anymore
566678d0 63as well (although its presence hurts nothing).
77b5811a 64
65If this change causes you trouble, you can disable it:
67 __PACKAGE__->config(encoding=>undef);
d63cc9c8 69For further information, please see L<Catalyst::UTF8>
77b5811a 71But please report bugs. You will find that a number of common Views have been
72updated for this release (such as L<Catalyst::View::TT>). In all cases that the
73author is aware of these updates were to fix test cases only. You shouldn't
74need to update unless you are installing fresh and want tests to pass.
76L<Catalyst::Plugin::Compress> was updated to be compatible with this release.
b8b29bac 77You will need to upgrade if you are using this plugin. L<Catalyst::Upgrading>
78also has details.
77b5811a 79
80A small change is that the configuration setting C<using_frontend_proxy>
81was not doing the right thing if you started your application with C<psgi_app>
566678d0 82and did not apply the default middleware. This setting is now honored in
77b5811a 83all the ways an application may be started. This could cause trouble if you
84are using the configuration value and also adding the proxy middleware
85manually with a custom application startup. The solution is that you only
86need the configuration value set, or the middleware manually added (not both).
46fff667 88=head2 VERSION 5.90060+
8f3c0676 90=head3 Catalyst::Log object autoflush on by default
92Starting in 5.90065, the Catalyst::Log object has 'autoflush' which is on
93by default. This causes all messages to be written to the log immediately
94instead of at the end of startup and then at the end of each request. In
95order to access the old behavior, you must now call:
97 $c->log->autoflush(0);
efa8265f 99=head3 Deprecate Catalyst::Utils::ensure_class_loaded
3dc04d08 100
101Going forward we recommend you use L<Module::Runtime>. In fact we will
102be converting all uses of L<Class::Load> to L<Module::Runtime>. We will
103also convert L<Catalyst::Utils\ensure_class_loaded> to be based on
104L<Module::Runtime> to allow some time for you to update code, however at
105some future point this method will be removed so you should stop
106using it now.
fb29a8be 108=head3 Support passing Body filehandles directly to your Plack server.
0fb94688 109
46fff667 110We changed the way we return body content (from response) to whatever
111Plack handler you are using (Starman, FastCGI, etc.) We no longer
112always use the streaming interface for the cases when the body is a
113simple scalar, object or filehandle like. In those cases we now just
114pass the simple response on to the plack handler. This might lead to
115some minor differences in how streaming is handled. For example, you
efa8265f 116might notice that streaming starts properly supporting chunked encoding when
46fff667 117on a server that supports that, or that previously missing headers
118(possible content-length) might appear suddenly correct. Also, if you
119are using middleware like L<Plack::Middleware::XSendfile> and are using
120a filehandle that sets a readable path, your server might now correctly
121handle the file (rather than as before where Catalyst would stream it
122very likely very slowly).
124In other words, some things might be meaninglessly different and some
125things that were broken codewise but worked because of Catalyst being
126incorrect might suddenly be really broken. The behavior is now more
127correct in that Catalyst plays better with features that Plack offers
128but if you are making heavy use of the streaming interface there could
129be some differences so you should test carefully (this is probably not
130the vast majority of people). In particular if you are developing
131using one server but deploying using a different one, differences in
132what those server do with streaming should be noted.
0fb94688 134Please see note below about changes to filehandle support and existing
efa8265f 135Plack middleware to aid in backwards compatibility.
0fb94688 136
137=head3 Distinguish between body null versus undef.
46fff667 139We also now more carefully distingush the different between a body set
140to '' and a body that is undef. This might lead to situations where
141again you'll get a content-length were you didn't get one before or
142where a supporting server will start chunking output. If this is an
143issue you can apply the middleware L<Plack::Middleware::BufferedStreaming>
144or report specific problems to the dev team.
b31499bc 145
0fb94688 146=head3 More Catalyst Middleware
148We have started migrating code in Catalyst to equivilent Plack
149Middleware when such exists and is correct to do so. For example we now use
150L<Plack::Middleware::ContentLength> to determine content length of a response
151when none is provided. This replaces similar code inlined with L<Catalyst>
152The main advantages to doing this is 1) more similar Catalyst core that is
153focused on the Catalyst special sauce, 2) Middleware is more broadly shared
154so we benefit from better collaboration with developers outside Catalyst, 3)
155In the future you'll be able to change or trim the middleware stack to get
156additional performance when you don't need all the checks and constraints.
efa8265f 158=head3 Deprecate Filehandle like objects that do read but not getline
8e098614 159
160We also deprecated setting the response body to an object that does 'read'
161but not 'getline'. If you are using a custom IO-Handle like object for
162response you should verify that 'getline' is supported in your interface.
e27f6633 163Unless we here this case is a major issue for people, we will be removing support
0fb94688 164in a near future release of Catalyst. When the code encounters this it
165will issue a warning. You also may run into this issue with L<MogileFS::Client>
166which does read but not getline. For now we will just warn when encountering
167such an object and fallback to the previous behavior (where L<Catalyst::Engine>
168itself unrolls the filehandle and performs blocking streams). However
efa8265f 169this backwards compatibility will be removed in an upcoming release so you should either
0fb94688 170rewrite your custom filehandle objects to support getline or start using the
171middleware that adapts read for getline L<Plack::Middleware::AdaptFilehandleRead>.
efa8265f 173=head3 Response->headers become read-only after finalizing
8a3dcb98 174
175Once the response headers are finalized, trying to change them is not allowed
176(in the past you could change them and this would lead to unexpected results).
efa8265f 178=head3 Officially deprecate L<Catalyst::Engine::PSGI>
8e098614 179
180L<Catalyst::Engine::PSGI> is also officially no longer supported. We will
efa8265f 181no long run test cases against this and can remove backwards compatibility code for it
182as deemed necessary for the evolution of the platform. You should simply
183discontinue use of this engine, as L<Catalyst> has been PSGI at the core for
184several years.
aa20e9f5 185
efa8265f 186=head3 Officially deprecate finding the PSGI $env anyplace other than Request
0fb94688 187
188A few early releases of Cataplack had the PSGI $env in L<Catalyst::Engine>.
efa8265f 189Code has been maintained here for backwards compatibility reasons. This is no
190longer supported and will be removed in upcoming release, so you should update
0fb94688 191your code and / or upgrade to a newer version of L<Catalyst>
efa8265f 193=head3 Deprecate setting Response->body after using write/write_fh
8a3dcb98 194
195Setting $c->res->body to a filehandle after using $c->res->write or
196$c->res->write_fh is no longer considered allowed, since we can't send
197the filehandle to the underlying Plack handler. For now we will continue
3157d22a 198to support setting body to a simple value since this is possible, but at
199some future release a choice to use streaming indicates that you will do
200so for the rest of the request.
8a3dcb98 201
e27f6633 202
5bb2a5b3 203=head2 VERSION 5.90053
205We are now clarifying the behavior of log, plugins and configuration during
206the setup phase. Since Plugins might require a log during setup, setup_log
207must run BEFORE setup_plugins. This has the unfortunate side effect that
208anyone using the popular ConfigLoader plugin will not be able to supply
209configuration to custom logs since the configuration is not yet finalized
210when setup_log is run (when using ConfigLoader, which is a plugin and is
211not loaded until later.)
213As a workaround, you can supply custom log configuration directly into
214the configuration:
216 package MyApp;
217 use Catalyst;
219 __PACKAGE__->config(
220 my_custom_log_info => { %custom_args },
221 );
223 __PACKAGE__->setup;
225If you wish to configure the custom logger differently based on ENV, you can
228 package MyApp;
230 use Catalyst;
231 use Catalyst::Utils;
233 __PACKAGE__->config(
234 Catalyst::Utils::merge_hashes(
235 +{ my_custom_log_info => { %base_custom_args } },
236 +{ do __PACKAGE__->path_to( $ENV{WHICH_CONF}."_conf.pl") },
237 ),
238 );
240 __PACKAGE__->setup;
242Or create a standalone Configuration class that does the right thing.
244Basically if you want to configure a logger via Catalyst global configuration
245you can't use ConfigLoader because it will always be loaded too late to be of
246any use. Patches and workaround options welcomed!
9b3b1b9c 248=head2 VERSION 5.9XXXX 'cataplack'
c20710a1 249
250The Catalyst::Engine sub-classes have all been removed and deprecated,
251to be replaced with Plack handlers.
253Plack is an implementation of the L<PSGI> specification, which is
254a standard interface between web servers and application frameworks.
256This should be no different for developers, and you should not have to
257migrate your applications unless you are using a custom engine already.
259This change benefits Catalyst significantly by reducing the amount of
260code inside the framework, and means that the framework gets upstream
261bug fixes in L<Plack>, and automatically gains support for any web server
262which a L<PSGI> compliant handler is written for.
264It also allows you more flexibility with your application, and allows
265the use of cross web framework 'middleware'.
267Developers are recommended to read L<Catalyst::Upgrading> for notes about
268upgrading, especially if you are using an unusual deployment method.
270Documentation for how to take advantage of L<PSGI> can be found in
271L<Catalyst::PSGI>, and information about deploying your application
272has been moved to L<Catalyst::Manual::Deployment>.
274=head3 Updated modules:
276A number of modules have been updated to pass their tests or not
277produce deprecation warnings with the latest version of Catalyst.
278It is recommended that you upgrade any of these that you are using
279after installing this version of Catalyst.
281These extensions are:
285=item L<Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork>
287This is now deprecated, see L<Catalyst::Upgrading>.
289=item L<Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst>
291Has been updated to not produce deprecation warnings, upgrade recommended.
293=item Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL
295Has been updated to fix failing tests (although older versions still
296function perfectly with this version of Catalyst).
298=item Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC
300Has been updated to fix failing tests (although older versions still
301function perfectly with this version of Catalyst).
14eb7697 303=item Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication
305Has been updated to fix failing tests (although older versions still
306function perfectly with this version of Catalyst).
c20710a1 308=back
1fae8c61 309
9b3b1b9c 312=head2 VERSION 5.8XXXX 'catamoose'
1fae8c61 313
314=head3 Deprecations
b31499bc 315
e88235ff 316Please see L<Catalyst::Upgrading> for a full description of how changes in the
317framework may affect your application.
319Below is a brief list of features which have been deprecated in this release:
796a8358 321=over
b31499bc 322
796a8358 323=item ::[MVC]:: style naming scheme has been deprecated and will warn
b31499bc 324
e88235ff 325=item NEXT is deprecated for all applications and components, use MRO::Compat
b31499bc 326
e88235ff 327=item Dispatcher methods which are an implementation detail made private, public versions now warn.
b31499bc 328
e88235ff 329=item MyApp->plugin method is deprecated, use L<Catalyst::Model::Adaptor> instead.
796a8358 330
efa8265f 331=item __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors() is supported for backwards compatibility only, use Moose attributes instead in new code.
0a3b8de0 332
7df44a71 333=item Use of Catalyst::Base now warns
796a8358 335=back
1fae8c61 337=head3 New features
0a3b8de0 338
339=head3 Dispatcher
b31499bc 340
7df44a71 341=over
343=item Fix forwarding to Catalyst::Action objects.
345=item Add the dispatch_type method
b31499bc 348
0a3b8de0 349=head3 Restarter
b31499bc 350
6171ddd5 351The development server restarter has been improved to be compatible with
352immutable Moose classes, and also to optionally use
353L<B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange> to handle more complex application layouts
b31499bc 355
7df44a71 356=head3 $c->uri_for_action method.
b31499bc 357
7df44a71 358Give a private path to the Catalyst action you want to create a URI for.
6c18e892 359
0a3b8de0 360=head3 Logging
b31499bc 361
7df44a71 362Log levels have been made additive.
b31499bc 363
0a3b8de0 364=head3 L<Catalyst::Test>
368=item Change to use L<Sub::Exporter>.
0a3b8de0 370=item Support mocking multiple virtual hosts
372=item New methods like action_ok and action_redirect to write more compact tests
7df44a71 376=head3 Catalyst::Response
0a3b8de0 377
7df44a71 378=over
380=item *
382New print method which prints @data to the output stream, separated by $,.
383This lets you pass the response object to functions that want to write to an
386=item *
388Added code method as an alias for C<< $res->status >>
0a3b8de0 389
d5a6de01 390=back
1fae8c61 392=head3 Consequences of the Moose back end
b31499bc 393
796a8358 394=over
396=item *
7df44a71 398Components are fully compatible with Moose, and all Moose features, such as
399method modifiers, attributes, roles, BUILD and BUILDARGS methods are fully
400supported and may be used in components and applications.
402=item *
404Many reusable extensions which would previously have been plugins or base
405classes are better implemented as Moose roles.
407=item *
a0c37f08 409L<MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer::Inheritable> is used to contain action
7df44a71 410attributes. This means that attributes are represented in the MOP, and
411decouples action creation from attributes.
796a8358 412
413=item *
0a3b8de0 415There is a reasonable API in Catalyst::Controller for working with
796a8358 416and registering actions, allowing a controller sub-class to replace
25f61108 417subroutine attributes for action declarations with an alternate
0a3b8de0 418syntax.
796a8358 419
420=item *
0a3b8de0 422Refactored capturing of $app from L<Catalyst::Controller> into
423L<Catalyst::Component::ApplicationAttribute> for easier reuse in other
7df44a71 424components.
426=item *
428Your application class is forced to become immutable at the end of compilation.
1fae8c61 432=head3 Bug fixes
7df44a71 433
436=item *
25f61108 438Don't ignore SIGCHLD while handling requests with the development server, so that
7df44a71 439system() and other ways of creating child processes work as expected.
441=item *
443Fixes for FastCGI when used with IIS 6.0
445=item *
447Fix a bug in uri_for which could cause it to generate paths with multiple
448slashes in them.
796a8358 449
450=item *
7df44a71 452Fix a bug in Catalyst::Stats, stopping garbage being inserted into
453the stats if a user calls begin => but no end
796a8358 454