Upgrade to Unicode::Collate 0.27.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / ext / ByteLoader / bytecode.h
e8edd1e6 1typedef char *pvcontents;
2typedef char *strconst;
3typedef U32 PV;
4typedef char *op_tr_array;
5typedef int comment_t;
6typedef SV *svindex;
7typedef OP *opindex;
059a8bb7 8typedef char *pvindex;
e8edd1e6 9
10#define BGET_FREAD(argp, len, nelem) \
059a8bb7 11 bl_read(bstate->bs_fdata,(char*)(argp),(len),(nelem))
12#define BGET_FGETC() bl_getc(bstate->bs_fdata)
e8edd1e6 13
1df34986 14/* all this should be made endianness-agnostic */
16#define BGET_U8(arg) arg = BGET_FGETC()
e8edd1e6 17#define BGET_U16(arg) \
059a8bb7 18 BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U16), 1)
1df34986 19#define BGET_U32(arg) \
20 BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U32), 1)
21#define BGET_UV(arg) \
22 BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(UV), 1)
ca337316 23#define BGET_PADOFFSET(arg) \
24 BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(PADOFFSET), 1)
113d5bd9 25#define BGET_long(arg) \
26 BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(long), 1)
1df34986 27
28#define BGET_I32(arg) BGET_U32(arg)
29#define BGET_IV(arg) BGET_UV(arg)
e8edd1e6 30
059a8bb7 31#define BGET_PV(arg) STMT_START { \
32 BGET_U32(arg); \
33 if (arg) { \
34 New(666, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, arg, char); \
1df34986 35 bl_read(bstate->bs_fdata, (void*)bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, arg, 1);\
059a8bb7 36 bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len = arg; \
37 bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur = arg - 1; \
38 } else { \
39 bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv = 0; \
40 bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len = 0; \
41 bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur = 0; \
42 } \
e8edd1e6 43 } STMT_END
46# define BGET_comment_t(arg) \
48 char buf[1024]; \
49 int i = 0; \
50 do { \
51 arg = BGET_FGETC(); \
52 buf[i++] = (char)arg; \
53 } while (arg != '\n' && arg != EOF); \
54 buf[i] = '\0'; \
55 PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "%s", buf); \
58# define BGET_comment_t(arg) \
e8edd1e6 59 do { arg = BGET_FGETC(); } while (arg != '\n' && arg != EOF)
fc290457 60#endif
e8edd1e6 61
78c6a0b0 62
059a8bb7 63#define BGET_op_tr_array(arg) do { \
1df34986 64 unsigned short *ary, len; \
65 BGET_U16(len); \
66 New(666, ary, len, unsigned short); \
67 BGET_FREAD(ary, sizeof(unsigned short), len); \
059a8bb7 68 arg = (char *) ary; \
e8edd1e6 69 } while (0)
059a8bb7 71#define BGET_pvcontents(arg) arg = bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv
e8edd1e6 72#define BGET_strconst(arg) STMT_START { \
73 for (arg = PL_tokenbuf; (*arg = BGET_FGETC()); arg++) /* nothing */; \
74 arg = PL_tokenbuf; \
cad2e5aa 77#define BGET_NV(arg) STMT_START { \
e8edd1e6 78 char *str; \
79 BGET_strconst(str); \
ac26f109 80 arg = Atof(str); \
e8edd1e6 81 } STMT_END
83#define BGET_objindex(arg, type) STMT_START { \
e8edd1e6 84 BGET_U32(ix); \
059a8bb7 85 arg = (type)bstate->bs_obj_list[ix]; \
e8edd1e6 86 } STMT_END
87#define BGET_svindex(arg) BGET_objindex(arg, svindex)
88#define BGET_opindex(arg) BGET_objindex(arg, opindex)
059a8bb7 89#define BGET_pvindex(arg) STMT_START { \
90 BGET_objindex(arg, pvindex); \
91 arg = arg ? savepv(arg) : arg; \
e8edd1e6 93
94#define BSET_ldspecsv(sv, arg) sv = specialsv_list[arg]
566ece03 95#define BSET_ldspecsvx(sv, arg) STMT_START { \
96 BSET_ldspecsv(sv, arg); \
059a8bb7 100#define BSET_stpv(pv, arg) STMT_START { \
101 BSET_OBJ_STORE(pv, arg); \
102 SAVEFREEPV(pv); \
103 } STMT_END
e8edd1e6 104
105#define BSET_sv_refcnt_add(svrefcnt, arg) svrefcnt += arg
106#define BSET_gp_refcnt_add(gprefcnt, arg) gprefcnt += arg
107#define BSET_gp_share(sv, arg) STMT_START { \
108 gp_free((GV*)sv); \
109 GvGP(sv) = GvGP(arg); \
110 } STMT_END
112#define BSET_gv_fetchpv(sv, arg) sv = (SV*)gv_fetchpv(arg, TRUE, SVt_PV)
566ece03 113#define BSET_gv_fetchpvx(sv, arg) STMT_START { \
114 BSET_gv_fetchpv(sv, arg); \
115 BSET_OBJ_STOREX(sv); \
116 } STMT_END
e8edd1e6 118#define BSET_gv_stashpv(sv, arg) sv = (SV*)gv_stashpv(arg, TRUE)
566ece03 119#define BSET_gv_stashpvx(sv, arg) STMT_START { \
120 BSET_gv_stashpv(sv, arg); \
121 BSET_OBJ_STOREX(sv); \
122 } STMT_END
e8edd1e6 124#define BSET_sv_magic(sv, arg) sv_magic(sv, Nullsv, arg, 0, 0)
1df34986 125#define BSET_mg_name(mg, arg) mg->mg_ptr = arg; mg->mg_len = bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur
126#define BSET_mg_namex(mg, arg) \
127 (mg->mg_ptr = (char*)SvREFCNT_inc((SV*)arg), \
128 mg->mg_len = HEf_SVKEY)
e8edd1e6 129#define BSET_sv_upgrade(sv, arg) (void)SvUPGRADE(sv, arg)
130#define BSET_xpv(sv) do { \
059a8bb7 131 SvPV_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv); \
132 SvCUR_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur); \
133 SvLEN_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len); \
e8edd1e6 134 } while (0)
135#define BSET_av_extend(sv, arg) av_extend((AV*)sv, arg)
137#define BSET_av_push(sv, arg) av_push((AV*)sv, arg)
1df34986 138#define BSET_av_pushx(sv, arg) (AvARRAY(sv)[++AvFILLp(sv)] = arg)
e8edd1e6 139#define BSET_hv_store(sv, arg) \
059a8bb7 140 hv_store((HV*)sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur, arg, 0)
e8edd1e6 141#define BSET_pv_free(pv) Safefree(pv.xpv_pv)
1df34986 142
144#ifdef USE_ITHREADS
146/* copied after the code in newPMOP() */
e8edd1e6 147#define BSET_pregcomp(o, arg) \
1df34986 148 STMT_START { \
149 SV* repointer; \
150 REGEXP* rx = arg ? \
151 CALLREGCOMP(aTHX_ arg, arg + bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur, cPMOPx(o)) : \
152 Null(REGEXP*); \
153 if(av_len((AV*) PL_regex_pad[0]) > -1) { \
154 repointer = av_pop((AV*)PL_regex_pad[0]); \
155 cPMOPx(o)->op_pmoffset = SvIV(repointer); \
156 SvREPADTMP_off(repointer); \
157 sv_setiv(repointer,PTR2IV(rx)); \
158 } else { \
159 repointer = newSViv(PTR2IV(rx)); \
160 av_push(PL_regex_padav,SvREFCNT_inc(repointer)); \
161 cPMOPx(o)->op_pmoffset = av_len(PL_regex_padav); \
162 PL_regex_pad = AvARRAY(PL_regex_padav); \
163 } \
164 } STMT_END
167#define BSET_pregcomp(o, arg) \
168 STMT_START { \
169 PM_SETRE(((PMOP*)o), (arg ? \
170 CALLREGCOMP(aTHX_ arg, arg + bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur, cPMOPx(o)): \
171 Null(REGEXP*))); \
172 } STMT_END
174#endif /* USE_THREADS */
059a8bb7 177#define BSET_newsv(sv, arg) \
ecd04c98 178 switch(arg) { \
179 case SVt_PVAV: \
180 sv = (SV*)newAV(); \
181 break; \
182 case SVt_PVHV: \
183 sv = (SV*)newHV(); \
184 break; \
185 default: \
186 sv = NEWSV(0,0); \
187 SvUPGRADE(sv, (arg)); \
188 }
566ece03 189#define BSET_newsvx(sv, arg) STMT_START { \
190 BSET_newsv(sv, arg & SVTYPEMASK); \
191 SvFLAGS(sv) = arg; \
192 BSET_OBJ_STOREX(sv); \
193 } STMT_END
1df34986 194#define BSET_newop(o, arg) \
195 ((o = (OP*)safemalloc(arg)), memzero((char*)o,arg))
566ece03 196#define BSET_newopx(o, arg) STMT_START { \
197 register int sz = arg & 0x7f; \
198 register OP* new = (OP*) safemalloc(sz);\
199 memzero(new, sz); \
200 /* new->op_next = o; XXX */ \
201 o = new; \
202 arg >>=7; \
203 BSET_op_type(o, arg); \
205 } STMT_END
e8edd1e6 207#define BSET_newopn(o, arg) STMT_START { \
208 OP *oldop = o; \
209 BSET_newop(o, arg); \
210 oldop->op_next = o; \
211 } STMT_END
1df34986 213#define BSET_ret(foo) STMT_START { \
214 Safefree(bstate->bs_obj_list); \
215 return 0; \
216 } STMT_END
219 * stolen from toke.c: better if that was a function.
220 * in toke.c there are also #ifdefs for dosish systems and i/o layers
221 */
223#if defined(HAS_FCNTL) && defined(F_SETFD)
224#define set_clonex(fp) \
225 STMT_START { \
226 int fd = PerlIO_fileno(fp); \
227 fcntl(fd,F_SETFD,fd >= 3); \
228 } STMT_END
230#define set_clonex(fp)
233#define BSET_data(dummy,arg) \
234 STMT_START { \
235 GV *gv; \
236 char *pname = "main"; \
237 if (arg == 'D') \
238 pname = HvNAME(PL_curstash ? PL_curstash : PL_defstash); \
239 gv = gv_fetchpv(Perl_form(aTHX_ "%s::DATA", pname), TRUE, SVt_PVIO);\
240 GvMULTI_on(gv); \
241 if (!GvIO(gv)) \
242 GvIOp(gv) = newIO(); \
243 IoIFP(GvIOp(gv)) = PL_rsfp; \
244 set_clonex(PL_rsfp); \
245 /* Mark this internal pseudo-handle as clean */ \
246 IoFLAGS(GvIOp(gv)) |= IOf_UNTAINT; \
247 if (PL_preprocess) \
248 IoTYPE(GvIOp(gv)) = IoTYPE_PIPE; \
249 else if ((PerlIO*)PL_rsfp == PerlIO_stdin()) \
250 IoTYPE(GvIOp(gv)) = IoTYPE_STD; \
251 else \
252 IoTYPE(GvIOp(gv)) = IoTYPE_RDONLY; \
253 Safefree(bstate->bs_obj_list); \
254 return 1; \
255 } STMT_END
257/* stolen from op.c */
258#define BSET_load_glob(foo, gv) \
259 STMT_START { \
260 GV *glob_gv; \
261 ENTER; \
262 Perl_load_module(aTHX_ PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT, \
263 newSVpvn("File::Glob", 10), Nullsv, Nullsv, Nullsv); \
264 glob_gv = gv_fetchpv("File::Glob::csh_glob", FALSE, SVt_PVCV); \
265 GvCV(gv) = GvCV(glob_gv); \
266 SvREFCNT_inc((SV*)GvCV(gv)); \
267 GvIMPORTED_CV_on(gv); \
268 LEAVE; \
059a8bb7 269 } STMT_END
e8edd1e6 270
272 * Kludge special-case workaround for OP_MAPSTART
273 * which needs the ppaddr for OP_GREPSTART. Blech.
274 */
275#define BSET_op_type(o, arg) STMT_START { \
276 o->op_type = arg; \
277 if (arg == OP_MAPSTART) \
278 arg = OP_GREPSTART; \
279 o->op_ppaddr = PL_ppaddr[arg]; \
280 } STMT_END
cea2e8a9 281#define BSET_op_ppaddr(o, arg) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "op_ppaddr not yet implemented")
e8edd1e6 282#define BSET_curpad(pad, arg) STMT_START { \
283 PL_comppad = (AV *)arg; \
284 pad = AvARRAY(arg); \
285 } STMT_END
1df34986 286
287#ifdef USE_ITHREADS
11faa288 288#define BSET_cop_file(cop, arg) CopFILE_set(cop,arg)
11faa288 289#define BSET_cop_stashpv(cop, arg) CopSTASHPV_set(cop,arg)
1df34986 290#else
291/* this works now that Sarathy's changed the CopFILE_set macro to do the SvREFCNT_inc()
292 -- BKS 6-2-2000 */
293/* that really meant the actual CopFILEGV_set */
294#define BSET_cop_filegv(cop, arg) CopFILEGV_set(cop,arg)
295#define BSET_cop_stash(cop,arg) CopSTASH_set(cop,(HV*)arg)
e8edd1e6 297
059a8bb7 298/* this is simply stolen from the code in newATTRSUB() */
299#define BSET_push_begin(ary,cv) \
300 STMT_START { \
1df34986 301 I32 oldscope = PL_scopestack_ix; \
302 ENTER; \
303 SAVECOPFILE(&PL_compiling); \
304 SAVECOPLINE(&PL_compiling); \
305 if (!PL_beginav) \
306 PL_beginav = newAV(); \
307 av_push(PL_beginav, (SV*)cv); \
308 GvCV(CvGV(cv)) = 0; /* cv has been hijacked */\
309 call_list(oldscope, PL_beginav); \
310 PL_curcop = &PL_compiling; \
311 PL_compiling.op_private = (U8)(PL_hints & HINT_PRIVATE_MASK);\
312 LEAVE; \
059a8bb7 313 } STMT_END
1df34986 314#define BSET_push_init(ary,cv) \
315 STMT_START { \
316 av_unshift((PL_initav ? PL_initav : \
317 (PL_initav = newAV(), PL_initav)), 1); \
318 av_store(PL_initav, 0, cv); \
059a8bb7 319 } STMT_END
1df34986 320#define BSET_push_end(ary,cv) \
321 STMT_START { \
322 av_unshift((PL_endav ? PL_endav : \
323 (PL_endav = newAV(), PL_endav)), 1); \
324 av_store(PL_endav, 0, cv); \
059a8bb7 325 } STMT_END
326#define BSET_OBJ_STORE(obj, ix) \
566ece03 327 ((I32)ix > bstate->bs_obj_list_fill ? \
328 bset_obj_store(aTHX_ bstate, obj, (I32)ix) : \
329 (bstate->bs_obj_list[ix] = obj), \
330 bstate->bs_ix = ix+1)
331#define BSET_OBJ_STOREX(obj) \
332 (bstate->bs_ix > bstate->bs_obj_list_fill ? \
333 bset_obj_store(aTHX_ bstate, obj, bstate->bs_ix) : \
334 (bstate->bs_obj_list[bstate->bs_ix] = obj), \
335 bstate->bs_ix++)
1df34986 336
337#define BSET_signal(cv, name) \
338 mg_set(*hv_store(GvHV(gv_fetchpv("SIG", TRUE, SVt_PVHV)), \
339 name, strlen(name), cv, 0))
059a8bb7 340
341/* NOTE: the bytecode header only sanity-checks the bytecode. If a script cares about
3b825e41 342 * what version of Perl it's being called under, it should do a 'use 5.006_001' or
059a8bb7 343 * equivalent. However, since the header includes checks requiring an exact match in
344 * ByteLoader versions (we can't guarantee forward compatibility), you don't
345 * need to specify one:
346 * use ByteLoader;
347 * is all you need.
348 * -- BKS, June 2000
d2560b70 351#define HEADER_FAIL(f) \
352 Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f)
353#define HEADER_FAIL1(f, arg1) \
354 Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f, arg1)
355#define HEADER_FAIL2(f, arg1, arg2) \
059a8bb7 356 Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f, arg1, arg2)
359 STMT_START { \
360 U32 sz = 0; \
361 strconst str; \
362 \
363 BGET_U32(sz); /* Magic: 'PLBC' */ \
364 if (sz != 0x43424c50) { \
d2560b70 365 HEADER_FAIL1("bad magic (want 0x43424c50, got %#x)", (int)sz); \
059a8bb7 366 } \
367 BGET_strconst(str); /* archname */ \
368 if (strNE(str, ARCHNAME)) { \
d2560b70 369 HEADER_FAIL2("wrong architecture (want %s, you have %s)",str,ARCHNAME); \
059a8bb7 370 } \
371 BGET_strconst(str); /* ByteLoader version */ \
372 if (strNE(str, VERSION)) { \
d2560b70 373 HEADER_FAIL2("mismatched ByteLoader versions (want %s, you have %s)", \
059a8bb7 374 str, VERSION); \
375 } \
376 BGET_U32(sz); /* ivsize */ \
377 if (sz != IVSIZE) { \
d2560b70 378 HEADER_FAIL("different IVSIZE"); \
059a8bb7 379 } \
380 BGET_U32(sz); /* ptrsize */ \
381 if (sz != PTRSIZE) { \
d2560b70 382 HEADER_FAIL("different PTRSIZE"); \
059a8bb7 383 } \
059a8bb7 384 } STMT_END