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3 <HEAD>
5 Integrating FastCGI with Tcl
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22 <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="../images/fcgi-hd.gif" ALT="[[FastCGI]]"></A>
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25 <DIV CLASS="c1">
26 <H3>
27 Integrating FastCGI with Tcl
28 </H3>
29 </DIV>
30 <!--Copyright (c) 1996 Open Market, Inc. -->
31 <!--See the file "LICENSE.TERMS" for information on usage and redistribution-->
32 <!--of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. -->
33 <P CLASS="c2">
34 Michael S. Shanzer<BR>
35 Open Market, Inc.<BR>
36 <EM>19 January 1995</EM>
37 </P>
38 <H5 CLASS="c3">
39 Copyright &copy; 1996 Open Market, Inc. 245 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A.<BR>
40 Tel: 617-621-9500 Fax: 617-621-1703 URL: <A HREF=
41 ""></A><BR>
42 $Id: fcgi-tcl.htm,v 1.4 2002/02/25 00:42:59 robs Exp $<BR>
43 </H5>
44 <HR>
45 <H3>
46 <A NAME="S1">1. Introduction</A>
47 </H3>
48 <P>
49 Tcl (tool command language) is an embeddable scripting language that&#39;s often used for CGI programming. Tcl
50 is freely available as a source kit.
51 </P>
52 <P>
53 We&#39;ve built a Tcl interpreter that runs as a FastCGI application. Our purpose in doing so was twofold:
54 </P>
55 <UL>
56 <LI>
57 <I>Create a useful artifact.</I> Open Market has written many CGI applications using Tcl. Now we&#39;d like
58 to turn them into FastCGI applications.
59 <P>
60 </P>
61 </LI>
62 <LI>
63 <I>Demonstrate how easy it is to integrate FastCGI with an existing program.</I> The Tcl interpreter is a
64 substantial program, so integrating FastCGI with the Tcl interpreter is a good test of the
65 <TT>fcgi_stdio</TT> compatability library.
66 </LI>
67 </UL>
68 <P>
69 We&#39;ve succeeded on both counts. We now have a platform for migrating our Tcl-based CGI applications to
70 FastCGI. And the integration required a very small effort. The only source code change to the Tcl interpreter
71 was the routine addition of a handful of new commands: <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT>, <TT>FCGI_Finish</TT>,
72 <TT>FCGI_SetExitStatus</TT>, and <TT>FCGI_StartFilterData</TT>.
73 </P>
74 <P>
75 The FastCGI-integrated Tcl interpreter works as usual when run from a shell or as a CGI program. You don&#39;t
76 need two Tcls, one for FastCGI and one for other uses.
77 </P>
78 <P>
79 The remainder of this document gives a recipe you can follow to build FastCGI into Tcl, explains what&#39;s
80 happening in the recipe, and illustrates the use of FastCGI Tcl with an example program.
81 </P>
82 <P>
83 </P>
84 <H3>
85 <A NAME="S2">2. Recipe</A>
86 </H3>
87 <P>
88 Here are the assumptions embedded in the following recipe:
89 </P>
90 <UL>
91 <LI>
92 You are building Tcl 7.4p3, the current stable Tcl release as this is written. You unpack the Tcl kit into
93 a directory <TT>tcl7.4</TT> that&#39;s a sibling of the FastCGI kit directory <TT>fcgi-devel-kit</TT>.
94 <P>
95 </P>
96 </LI>
97 <LI>
98 You have gcc version 2.7 installed on your system, and use it in the build. gcc is convenient because it
99 supports the <TT>-include</TT> command-line option that instructs the C preprocessor to include a specific
100 file before processing any other include files. This allows you to include <TT>fcgi_stdio.h</TT> without
101 modifying Tcl source files. (The reason for specifying gcc version 2.7 is that I have experienced bad
102 behavior with an earlier version and the <TT>-include</TT> flag -- the C preprocessor died with SIGABRT.)
103 <P>
104 </P>
105 </LI>
106 <LI>
107 You have GNU autoconf installed on your system. If you don&#39;t have GNU autoconf, you will have to make
108 certain edits by hand and repeat these edits for each build platform.<BR>
109 <BR>
110 </LI>
111 </UL>
112 <P>
113 If those are valid assumptions, follow these steps:
114 </P>
115 <OL>
116 <LI>
117 <I>Build the FastCGI Developer&#39;s Kit.</I> Tcl needs to link against <TT>libfcgi.a</TT>, so <A HREF=
118 "fcgi-devel-kit.htm#S2">build the FastCGI Developer&#39;s Kit</A> in order to create this library for your
119 platform.
120 <P>
121 </P>
122 </LI>
123 <LI>
124 <I>Pull the Tcl 7.4p3 kit.</I> You&#39;ll need the files <A HREF=
125 "">tcl7.4.tar.Z</A>, <A HREF=
126 "">tcl7.4p1.patch.gz</A>, <A HREF=
127 "">tcl7.4p2.patch.gz</A>, and <A HREF=
128 "">tcl7.4p3.patch.gz</A>. (Some older Netscape browsers
129 can&#39;t perform these retrievals because of a protocol conflict between Netscape and Sun&#39;s firewall.)
130 <P>
131 Unpack the tar file in the parent directory of the FastCGI kit directory you used in the previous step,
132 so that the directories <TT>tcl7.4</TT> and <TT>fcgi-devel-kit</TT> are siblings. After unpacking the
133 tar file, follow the directions in the <TT>README</TT> to apply the patches.
134 </P>
135 <P>
136 The <A HREF="">Sun Labs Tcl/Tk Project Page</A> contains a wealth
137 of information on Tcl, including up to date information on the latest kits.
138 </P>
139 <P>
140 </P>
141 </LI>
142 <LI>
143 <I>Copy the files <TT>tclFCGI.c</TT>, <TT>tclAppInit.c</TT>, <TT></TT>, and
144 <TT></TT> from the FastCGI kit.</I>
146 &gt; cd tcl7.4
147 &gt; mv tclAppInit.c tclAppInit.c.orig
148 &gt; mv
149 &gt; mv
150 &gt; mv
151 &gt; cp ../fcgi-devel-kit/tcl/tcl7.4/* .
152 &gt; cp ../fcgi-devel-kit/tcl/common/* .
154 </LI>
155 <LI>
156 <I>Create a new <TT>configure</TT> script.</I>
158 &gt; autoconf
160 </LI>
161 <LI>
162 <I>Configure and build.</I>
164 &gt; ./configure
165 &gt; make
167 The <TT>make</TT> creates the Tcl interpreter <TT>tclsh</TT> and library archive <TT>libtcl.a</TT> (for
168 embedding Tcl in your own C applications). The Tcl <TT>README</TT> file explains how you can experiment
169 with <TT>tclsh</TT> without installing it in a standard place.<BR>
170 <BR>
171 </LI>
172 </OL>
173 <H3>
174 <A NAME="S3">3. Recipe Explained</A>
175 </H3>
176 <P>
177 The recipe alone is fine if you are using Tcl 7.4p3, you have gcc version 2.7, and you have GNU autoconf. In
178 case one or more of these assumptions doesn&#39;t hold for you, and to illuminate how little work was involved
179 in integrating FastCGI, here&#39;s an explanation of how and why you would modify the files
180 <TT>tclAppInit.c</TT>, <TT></TT>, and <TT></TT> from the Tcl kit.
181 </P>
182 <UL>
183 <LI>
184 <TT>tclAppInit.c</TT>:
185 <P>
186 </P>
187 <UL>
188 <LI>
189 Add the following three lines of code to the function <TT>Tcl_AppInit</TT> after the call to
190 <TT>Tcl_Init</TT> and after the comment about calling init procedures:
192 if (FCGI_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
193 return TCL_ERROR;
194 }
196 This registers four Tcl commands (<TT>FCGI_Accept</TT>, <TT>FCGI_Finish</TT>,
197 <TT>FCGI_SetExitStatus</TT>, and <TT>FCGI_StartFilterData</TT>), implemented in <TT>tclFCGI.c</TT>,
198 with the Tcl interpreter.
199 <P>
200 </P>
201 </LI>
202 </UL>
203 </LI>
204 <LI>
205 <TT></TT>:
206 <P>
207 </P>
208 <UL>
209 <LI>
210 Add <TT>tclFCGI.o</TT> to the <TT>GENERIC_OBJS</TT> variable, and add <TT>tclFCGI.c</TT> to the
211 <TT>SRCS</TT> variable.
212 <P>
213 This builds the FastCGI Tcl commands and links them into the Tcl interpreter.
214 </P>
215 <P>
216 </P>
217 </LI>
218 <LI>
219 Add <TT>-I../fcgi-devel-kit/include -include ../fcgi-devel-kit/include/fcgi_stdio.h</TT> to the
220 <TT>CFLAGS</TT> variable.
221 <P>
222 This includes <TT>fcgi_stdio.h</TT> when compiling C code for the Tcl interpreter, overriding the
223 normal <TT>stdio</TT> types, variables, and functions.
224 </P>
225 <P>
226 </P>
227 </LI>
228 <LI>
229 Add <TT>../fcgi-devel-kit/libfcgi/libfcgi.a</TT> before the <TT>@LIBS@</TT> part of the <TT>LIBS</TT>
230 variable.
231 <P>
232 This links the implementation of <TT>fcgi_stdio.h</TT> into the Tcl interpreter, for use by the
233 <TT>FCGI_accept</TT> command and any code that uses <TT>stdio</TT> variables or calls
234 <TT>stdio</TT> functions.
235 </P>
236 <P>
237 </P>
238 </LI>
239 </UL>
240 <P>
241 The last two edits will vary if you use a compiler other than gcc or install the <TT>tcl7.4</TT>
242 directory somewhere else in relation to the <TT>fcgi-devel-kit</TT> directory.
243 </P>
244 <P>
245 </P>
246 </LI>
247 <LI>
248 <TT></TT>:
249 <P>
250 </P>
251 <UL>
252 <LI>
253 Replace the lines
258 with the lines
263 This selects gcc in preference to other C compilers.
264 <P>
265 </P>
266 </LI>
267 <LI>
268 Add the following lines just after the <TT>AC_SUBST(CC)</TT> line:
270AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, main, [LIBS=&quot;$LIBS -lsocket&quot;])
271AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, main, [LIBS=&quot;$LIBS -lnsl&quot;])
274 This ensures that the socket libraries used by FastCGI are linked into the Tcl interpreter.
275 <P>
276 </P>
277 </LI>
278 </UL>
279 If GNU autoconf is not available to you, you&#39;ll leave <TT></TT> alone and perform the
280 following steps:
281 <P>
282 </P>
283 <UL>
284 <LI>
285 Execute
287 &gt; SETENV CC gcc
289 before running <TT>configure</TT>.
290 <P>
291 </P>
292 </LI>
293 <LI>
294 If you are running on a SVR4-derived Unix platform, edit <TT>Makefile</TT> to add <TT>-lsocket
295 -lnsl</TT> to the <TT>LIBS</TT> value after running <TT>configure</TT>.
296 <P>
297 </P>
298 </LI>
299 </UL>
300 If you ever re-run <TT>configure</TT>, you&#39;ll need to repeat these steps.
301 <P>
302 </P>
303 </LI>
304 </UL>
305 <H3>
306 <A NAME="S4">4. Writing FastCGI applications in Tcl</A>
307 </H3>
308 <P>
309 The Tcl program <TT>tcl/tiny-tcl-fcgi</TT> performs the same function as the C program
310 <TT>examples/tiny-fcgi.c</TT> that&#39;s used as an example in the <A HREF="fcgi-devel-kit.htm#S3.1.1">FastCGI
311 Developer&#39;s Kit document</A>. Here&#39;s what the Tcl version looks like:
312 </P>
313 <P>
314 </P>
317set count 0
318while {[FCGI_Accept] &gt;= 0 } {
319 incr count
320 puts -nonewline &quot;Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n&quot;
321 puts &quot;&lt;title&gt;FastCGI Hello! (Tcl)&lt;/title&gt;&quot;
322 puts &quot;&lt;h1&gt;FastCGI Hello! (Tcl)&lt;/h1&gt;&quot;
323 puts &quot;Request number $count running on host &lt;i&gt;$env(SERVER_NAME)&lt;/i&gt;&quot;
326 <P>
327 If you&#39;ve built Tcl according to the recipe and you have a Web server set up to run FastCGI applications,
328 load the FastCGI Developer&#39;s Kit Index Page in that server and run this Tcl application now.
329 </P>
330 <P>
331 The script invokes Tcl indirectly via the symbolic link <TT>examples/tclsh</TT>. It does this because HP-UX
332 has a limit of 32 characters for the first line of a command-interpreter file such as
333 <TT>examples/tiny-tcl-fcgi</TT>. If you run on HP-UX you won&#39;t want to sprinkle symbolic links to
334 <TT>tclsh</TT> everywhere, so you should install <TT>tclsh</TT> with a shorter pathname than
335 <TT>/usr/local/tcl7.4-fcgi/bin/tclsh7.4</TT>.
336 </P>
337 <P>
338 The Tcl command <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT> treats the initial environment differently than the C function
339 <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT>. The first call to the C function <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT> replaces the initial environment
340 with the environment of the first request. The first call to the Tcl command <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT> adds the
341 variable bindings of the first request to the bindings present in the initial environment. So when the first
342 call to <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT> returns, bindings from the initial environment are still there (unless, due to
343 naming conflicts, some of them have been overwritten by the first request). The next call to
344 <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT> removes the bindings made on the previous call before adding a new set for the request
345 just accepted, again preserving the initial environment.
346 </P>
347 <P>
348 The FastCGI-integrated <TT>tclsh</TT> also includes commands <TT>FCGI_Finish</TT>,
349 <TT>FCGI_SetExitStatus</TT>, and <TT>FCGI_StartFilterData</TT> that correspond to C functions in
350 <TT>fcgi_stdio.h</TT>; see the manpages for full information.
351 </P>
352 <P>
353 Converting a Tcl CGI application to FastCGI is not fundamentally different from converting a C CGI
354 application. You separate the portion of the application that performs one-time initialization from the
355 portion that performs per-request processing. You put the per-request processing into a loop controlled by
356 <TT>FCGI_Accept</TT>.
357 </P>
358 <P>
359 </P>
360 <HR>
362 <A HREF="">Mike Shanzer //</A>
363 </ADDRESS>
364 </BODY>