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4 FastCGI
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15 <!--Copyright (c) 1996 Open Market, Inc. -->
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20 <P>
21 Open Market, Inc.
22 </P>
23 <P>
24 </P>
25 <DIV CLASS="c1">
26 Technical White Paper<BR>
27 </DIV>
28 <H1>
29 FastCGI:<BR>
30 A High-Performance Web Server Interface
31 </H1>
32 <P>
33 April 1996<!--Please send comments to:-->
34 </P>
35 <HR>
36 <!-- payne@openmarket.com-->
37 <H2>
38 1. Introduction
39 </H2>
40 <P>
41 The surge in the use of the Web by business has created a tremendous need for server extension applications
42 that create dynamic content. These are the applications that will allow businesses to deliver products,
43 services, and messages whose shape and content are in part determined by the interaction with, and knowledge
44 of, the customers to which they are delivered.
45 </P>
46 <P>
47 This important movement away from static Web content is pushing the limits and exposing the weaknesses of the
48 environment in which these applications are currently bound: CGI (Common Gateway Interface). Most importantly
49 it does not offer the performance these applications require. A new communication infrastructure is needed to
50 connect Web servers with these new applications. This is what led Open Market to develop FastCGI.
51 </P>
52 <P>
53 FastCGI is a fast, open, and secure Web server interface that solves the performance problems inherent in CGI,
54 without introducing the overhead and complexity of proprietary APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
55 </P>
56 <P>
57 This paper assumes that the reader has basic familiarity with Web technology and developing Web applications.
58 </P>
59 <H3>
60 Common Gateway Interface
61 </H3>
62 <P>
63 The de facto standard interface for Web server applications is CGI, which was first implemented in the NCSA
64 server. CGI has many benefits:
65 </P>
66 <UL>
67 <LI>
68 <B>Simplicity.</B> <SPAN>It is easy to understand.</SPAN>
69 </LI>
70 <LI>
71 <B>Language independence.</B> CGI applications can be written in nearly any language.
72 </LI>
73 <LI>
74 <B>Process isolation.</B> Since applications run in separate processes, buggy applications cannot crash the
75 Web server or access the server&#39;s private internal state.
76 </LI>
77 <LI>
78 <B>Open standard.</B> Some form of CGI has been implemented on every Web server.
79 </LI>
80 <LI>
81 <B>Architecture independence.</B> CGI is not tied to any particular server architecture (single threaded,
82 multi-threaded, etc.).
83 </LI>
84 </UL>
85 <P>
86 CGI also has some significant drawbacks. The leading problem is performance: Since a new process is created
87 for each request and thrown away when the request is done, efficiency is poor.
88 </P>
89 <P>
90 CGI also has limited functionality: It only supports a simple &quot;responder&quot; role, where the
91 application generates the response that is returned to the client. CGI programs can&#39;t link into other
92 stages of Web server request processing, such as authorization and logging.
93 </P>
94 <H3>
95 Server APIs
96 </H3>
97 <P>
98 In response to the performance problems for CGI, several vendors have developed APIs for their servers. The
99 two most notable are NSAPI from Netscape and ISAPI from Microsoft. The freely available Apache server also has
100 an API.
101 </P>
102 <P>
103 Applications linked into the server API may be significantly faster than CGI programs. The CGI
104 startup/initialization problem is improved, because the application runs in the server process and is
105 persistent across requests. Web server APIs also offer more functionality than CGI: you can write extensions
106 that perform access control, get access to the server&#39;s log file, and link in to other stages in the
107 server&#39;s request processing.
108 </P>
109 <P>
110 However, APIs sacrifice all of CGI&#39;s benefits. Vendor APIs have the following problems:
111 </P>
112 <UL>
113 <LI>
114 <B>Complexity.</B> Vendor APIs introduce a steep learning curve, with increased implementation and
115 maintenance costs.
116 </LI>
117 <LI>
118 <B>Language dependence.</B> Applications have to be written in a language supported by the vendor API
119 (usually C/C++). Perl, the most popular language for CGI programs, can&#39;t be used with any existing
120 vendor API.
121 </LI>
122 <LI>
123 <B>No process isolation.</B> <SPAN>Since the applications run in the server&#39;s address space, buggy
124 applications can corrupt the core server (or each other). A malicious or buggy application can compromise
125 server security, and bugs in the core server can corrupt applications.</SPAN>
126 </LI>
127 <LI>
128 <B>Proprietary.</B> Coding your application to a particular API locks you into a particular vendor&#39;s
129 server.
130 </LI>
131 <LI>
132 <B>Tie-in to server architecture.</B> API applications have to share the same architecture as the server:
133 If the Web server is multi-threaded, the application has to be thread-safe. If the Web server has
134 single-threaded processes, multi-threaded applications don&#39;t gain any performance advantage. Also, when
135 the vendor changes the server&#39;s architecture, the API will usually have to change, and applications
136 will have to be adapted or rewritten.
137 </LI>
138 </UL>
139 <H3>
140 FastCGI
141 </H3>
142 <P>
143 The FastCGI interface combines the best aspects of CGI and vendor APIs. Like CGI, FastCGI applications run in
144 separate, isolated processes. FastCGI&#39;s advantages include:
145 </P>
146 <UL>
147 <LI>
148 <B>Performance.</B> FastCGI processes are persistent-they are reused to handle multiple requests. This
149 solves the CGI performance problem of creating new processes for each request.
150 </LI>
151 <LI>
152 <B>Simplicity, with easy migration from CGI.</B> The FastCGI application library (described on page 9)
153 simplifies the migration of existing CGI applications. Applications built with the application library can
154 also run as CGI programs, for backward compatibility with old Web servers.
155 </LI>
156 <LI>
157 <B>Language independence.</B> Like CGI, FastCGI applications can be written in any language, not just
158 languages supported by the vendor API.
159 </LI>
160 <LI>
161 <B>Process isolation.</B> A buggy FastCGI application cannot crash or corrupt the core server or other
162 applications. A malicious FastCGI application cannot steal any secrets (such as session keys for
163 encryption) from the Web server.
164 </LI>
165 <LI>
166 <B>Non-proprietary.</B> FastCGI is supported in all of Open Market&#39;s server products, and support is
167 under development for other Web servers, including the freely available Apache and NCSA servers, as well as
168 commercial servers from Microsoft and Netscape.
169 </LI>
170 <LI>
171 <B>Architecture independence.</B> The FastCGI interface is not tied to a particular server architecture.
172 Any Web server can implement the FastCGI interface. Also, FastCGI does not impose any architecture on the
173 application: applications can be single or multi-threaded, regardless of the threading architecture of the
174 Web server.
175 </LI>
176 <LI>
177 <B>Support for distributed computing.</B> FastCGI provides the ability to run applications remotely, which
178 is useful for distributing load and managing external Web sites.
179 </LI>
180 </UL>
181 <P>
182 The following sections describe the FastCGI interface, protocol, application library, and support in Open
183 Market&#39;s WebServer products.
184 </P>
185 <H2>
186 2. FastCGI Interface
187 </H2>
188 <P>
189 The functionality provided by the FastCGI interface is very similar to that provided by CGI. To best
190 understand the FastCGI protocol, we review the CGI interface here. Basic CGI request processing proceeds as
191 follows:
192 </P>
193 <OL>
194 <LI>
195 For each request, the server creates a new process and the process initializes itself.
196 </LI>
197 <LI>
198 The Web server passes the request information (such as remote host, username, HTTP headers, etc.) to the
199 CGI program in environment variables.
200 </LI>
201 <LI>
202 The Web server sends any client input (such as user-entered field values from an HTML form) to the CGI
203 program&#39;s standard input.
204 </LI>
205 <LI>
206 The CGI program writes any output to be returned to the client on standard output. Error information
207 written to standard error is logged by the Web server.
208 </LI>
209 <LI>
210 When the CGI process exits, the request is complete.
211 </LI>
212 </OL>
213 <P>
214 FastCGI is conceptually very similar to CGI, with two major differences:
215 </P>
216 <UL>
217 <LI>
218 FastCGI processes are persistent: after finishing a request, they wait for a new request instead of
219 exiting.
220 </LI>
221 <LI>
222 Instead of using operating system environment variables and pipes, the FastCGI protocol multiplexes the
223 environment information, standard input, output and error over a single full-duplex connection. This allows
224 FastCGI programs to run on remote machines, using TCP connections between the Web server and the FastCGI
225 application.
226 </LI>
227 </UL>
228 <P>
229 Request processing in a single-threaded FastCGI application proceeds as follows:
230 </P>
231 <OL>
232 <LI>
233 The Web server creates FastCGI application processes to handle requests. The processes may be created at
234 startup, or created on demand.
235 </LI>
236 <LI>
237 The FastCGI program initializes itself, and waits for a new connection from the Web server.
238 </LI>
239 <LI>
240 When a client request comes in, the Web server opens a connection to the FastCGI process. The server sends
241 the CGI environment variable information and standard input over the connection.
242 </LI>
243 <LI>
244 The FastCGI process sends the standard output and error information back to the server over the same
245 connection.
246 </LI>
247 <LI>
248 When the FastCGI process closes the connection, the request is complete. The FastCGI process then waits for
249 another connection from the Web server.
250 </LI>
251 </OL>
252 <P>
253 FastCGI applications can run locally (on the same machine as the Web server) or remotely. For local
254 applications, the server uses a full-duplex pipe to connect to the FastCGI application process. For remote
255 applications, the server uses a TCP connection.
256 </P>
257 <P>
258 FastCGI applications can be single-threaded or multi-threaded. For single threaded applications, the Web
259 server maintains a pool of processes (if the application is running locally) to handle client requests. The
260 size of the pool is user configurable. Multi-threaded FastCGI applications may accept multiple connections
261 from the Web server and handle them simultaneously in a single process. (For example, Java&#39;s built-in
262 multi-threading, garbage collection, synchronization primitives, and platform independence make it a natural
263 implementation language for multi-threaded FastCGI applications.)
264 </P>
265 <H3>
266 Remote FastCGI
267 </H3>
268 <P>
269 FastCGI&#39;s ability to run applications remotely (over a TCP connection) provides some major benefits. These
270 benefits are described in this section, along with some of the security issues that affect remote FastCGI
271 applications.
272 </P>
273 <H4>
274 FastCGI with Firewalls
275 </H4>
276 <P>
277 Applications that run on organizational (external) Web servers and depend on internal databases can be a
278 challenge to administer. Figure 1 shows a typical organization, with an external Web server, a firewall
279 restricting access to the internal network, and internal databases and applications.
280 </P>
281 <P>
282 </P>
283 <DIV CLASS="c2">
284 <IMG ALT="error-file:TidyOut.log" SRC="img00001.gif"><A NAME="_Ref352505891">Figure 1</A>
285 </DIV>
286 <P>
287 With CGI and vendor APIs, the application has to run on the Web server machine. This means the server
288 administrator has to replicate the necessary database information onto the system hosting the Web server
289 (which may be difficult to do in an automated way without compromising firewall security). Or, the
290 administrator may build a &quot;bridge&quot; that allows access through the Web server to internal databases
291 and applications (which is effectively re-inventing remote FastCGI).
292 </P>
293 <P>
294 With remote FastCGI, the applications can run on the internal network, simplifying the administrator&#39;s
295 job. When used with appropriate firewall configuration and auditing, this approach provides a secure,
296 high-performance, scalable way to bring internal applications and data to the external network.
297 </P>
298 <H4>
299 Load Distribution
300 </H4>
301 <P>
302 For resource-intensive CGI and API applications, the Web server machine quickly becomes the bottleneck for
303 overall throughput. The usual way to solve this performance problem is to buy a bigger, faster Web server
304 machine, or to partition the Web site across several Web servers.
305 </P>
306 <P>
307 With remote FastCGI, the resource-intensive applications can be moved off the Web server machine, giving the
308 server administrator additional flexibility in configuring the Web server. The administrator can configure
309 FastCGI applications &quot;behind the scenes&quot; without having to change any content links or the external
310 view of the Web site. The administrator can use several smaller, inexpensive server machines for applications,
311 and can tailor each machine to the application it is hosting.
312 </P>
313 <H4>
314 Security Issues with Remote FastCGI
315 </H4>
316 <P>
317 The two security issues with remote FastCGI connections are authentication and privacy. FastCGI applications
318 should only accept connections from Web servers that they trust (the application library includes support for
319 IP address validation). Future versions of the protocol will include support for applications authenticating
320 Web servers, as well as support for running remote connections over secure transport protocols such as SSL or
321 PCT.<!--This pargraph needs to be made stronger, going into the issues in a little more detail.-->
322 </P>
323 <H3>
324 The FastCGI Protocol
325 </H3>
326 <P>
327 This section offers a brief introduction to the protocol used on the connection between the Web server and
328 FastCGI application. Most application developers will use the FastCGI application library and won&#39;t have
329 to worry about the protocol details. However, specialized applications are free to implement the FastCGI
330 protocol directly.
331 </P>
332 <P>
333 FastCGI uses a simple packet record format on the connection between the application and the Web server. The
334 same record format is used in both directions and is outlined in Figure 2.
335 </P>
336 <P>
337 </P>
338 <DIV CLASS="c2">
339 <IMG ALT="error-file:TidyOut.log" SRC="img00002.gif"><A NAME="_Ref352404075">Figure 2</A>
340 </DIV>
341 <P>
342 The protocol version field specifies the version of the FastCGI protocol that is in use. The type field
343 specifies the type of the record (described in the following section). The request ID identifies this record
344 to a particular request, allowing multiple requests to be multiplexed over a single connection. The data
345 length field specifies the number of data bytes that follow.
346 </P>
347 <P>
348 The different FastCGI packet types are:
349 </P>
350 <TABLE>
351 <TR>
352 <TD WIDTH="186">
354 </TD>
355 <TD WIDTH="228">
356 Used for sending name/value pairs (CGI environment variables) from the Web server to the application.
357 </TD>
358 </TR>
359 <TR>
360 <TD WIDTH="186">
362 </TD>
363 <TD WIDTH="228">
364 Used for sending the standard input from the Web server to the application.
365 </TD>
366 </TR>
367 <TR>
368 <TD WIDTH="186">
370 </TD>
371 <TD WIDTH="228">
372 Used for sending filter data to the application (for more information, see the filter role described on
373 page 7.)
374 </TD>
375 </TR>
376 <TR>
377 <TD WIDTH="186">
379 </TD>
380 <TD WIDTH="228">
381 Used to send standard output from the application to the Web server.
382 </TD>
383 </TR>
384 <TR>
385 <TD WIDTH="186">
387 </TD>
388 <TD WIDTH="228">
389 Used to send standard error information from the application to the Web server.
390 </TD>
391 </TR>
392 <TR>
393 <TD WIDTH="186">
395 </TD>
396 <TD WIDTH="228">
397 Ends the request (can be sent by either the server or the application).
398 </TD>
399 </TR>
400 </TABLE>
401 <P>
402 </P>
403 <P>
404 For complete protocol details, see the <I>FastCGI Protocol Specification</I>, available from the Web site
405 listed at the end of this paper.
406 </P>
407 <H2>
408 3. Application Roles
409 </H2>
410 <P>
411 A major problem with CGI is its limited functionality: CGI programs can only provide simple responses to
412 requests. FastCGI provides expanded functionality with support for three different application
413 &quot;roles&quot;:
414 </P>
415 <UL>
416 <LI>
417 <B>Responder.</B> This is the basic FastCGI role, and corresponds to the simple functionality offered by
418 CGI today.
419 </LI>
420 <LI>
421 <B>Filter.</B> The FastCGI application filters the requested Web server file before sending it to the
422 client.
423 </LI>
424 <LI>
425 <B>Authorizer.</B> The FastCGI program performs an access control decision for the request (such as
426 performing a username/password database lookup).
427 </LI>
428 </UL>
429 <P>
430 Other roles will be defined in the future. For instance, a &quot;logger&quot; role would be useful, where the
431 FastCGI program would receive the server&#39;s log entries for real-time processing and analysis.
432 </P>
433 <P>
434 The roles are described in more detail in the following sections.
435 </P>
436 <H3>
437 Responder Role
438 </H3>
439 <P>
440 FastCGI&#39;s Responder role is identical to the functionality provided by CGI today. When a request comes
441 into the server, the FastCGI program generates the response that&#39;s returned to the client (typically an
442 HTML page).
443 </P>
444 <H3>
445 <A NAME="_Ref352404524">Filter Role</A>
446 </H3>
447 <P>
448 The Filter role allows a FastCGI application to process a requested file before it is returned to the client.
449 </P>
450 <P>
451 Let&#39;s assume that the Web server is configured so that all files with the .<TT CLASS="c3">sgml</TT>
452 extension are processed by a SGML-to-HTML FastCGI filter application, and the user accesses the following URL:
453 </P>
454 <P>
455 <TT CLASS="c3">/document.sgml</TT>
456 </P>
457 <P>
458 After the Web server makes an access control decision and maps this URL to a content file, it invokes the
459 FastCGI filter application with this file available as input. The FastCGI program&#39;s HTML output is sent
460 back to the client, just as in the responder role. The process is outlined in Figure 3.
461 </P>
462 <P>
463 </P>
464 <DIV CLASS="c2">
465 <IMG ALT="error-file:TidyOut.log" SRC="img00003.gif"><A NAME="_Ref352560526">Figure 3</A>
466 </DIV>
467 <P>
468 Filter applications can significantly improve performance by caching filter results (the server provides the
469 modification time in the request information so that applications can flush the cache when the server file has
470 been modified).
471 </P>
472 <P>
473 The Filter role is useful for:
474 </P>
475 <UL>
476 <LI>
477 On-the-fly format conversions
478 </LI>
479 <LI>
480 Dynamic documents (such as documents with embedded SQL queries, or dynamic advertisement insertion)
481 </LI>
482 <LI>
483 Applying a standard template: headers, footers, and backgrounds
484 </LI>
485 </UL>
486 <H3>
487 Authorizer Role
488 </H3>
489 <P>
490 The Authorizer role allows a FastCGI application to make an access control decision for a request. The FastCGI
491 application is invoked with all of the request information, just as in the Responder role. If the authorizer
492 application generates a &quot;200 OK&quot; HTTP result, the Web server assumes that access is allowed and
493 proceeds with the request. (The Web server may process other access checks, including other FastCGI
494 authorizers, before access is ultimately allowed.) If the application generates any other response, that
495 response is returned to the client and the request is ended. The response can be any valid HTTP response,
496 including &quot;Access Denied&quot; or &quot;Redirect&quot;.
497 </P>
498 <P>
499 The Authorizer role is useful for:
500 </P>
501 <UL>
502 <LI>
503 Access control based on username and password, where the user information is looked up in an external
504 database.
505 </LI>
506 <LI>
507 Complex access policies, such as time-of-day based access.
508 </LI>
509 <LI>
510 Smart-card challenge/response authentication.
511 </LI>
512 <LI>
513 Dynamic redirects, where the user is sent to different pages based on the request profile.
514 </LI>
515 </UL>
516 <H2>
517 <A NAME="_Ref352251764">4. FastCGI Application Library</A>
518 </H2>
519 <P>
520 Open Market has developed a FastCGI application library that implements the FastCGI protocol (hiding the
521 protocol details from the developer). This library makes implementing FastCGI programs as easy as writing CGI
522 applications.
523 </P>
524 <P>
525 The application library provides a replacement for the C language standard I/O (stdio) routines, such as <TT
526 CLASS="c3">printf()</TT> and <TT CLASS="c3">gets()</TT>. The library converts references to standard input,
527 standard output, and standard error to the FastCGI protocol. References to other files &quot;fall
528 through&quot; to the underlying operating system standard I/O routines.
529 </P>
530 <P>
531 This approach has several benefits:
532 </P>
533 <UL>
534 <LI>
535 Developers don&#39;t have to learn a new API to develop FastCGI applications.
536 </LI>
537 <LI>
538 Existing CGI programs can be migrated with minimal source changes (CGI migration is described in more
539 detail in the following section).
540 </LI>
541 <LI>
542 FastCGI interpreters for Perl, Tcl, and other interpreted languages can be built without modifying the
543 interpreter source code.
544 </LI>
545 </UL>
546 <P>
547 Here&#39;s a simple FastCGI application:
548 </P>
549 <BR>
550 <BR>
552 #include &lt;fcgi_stdio.h&gt;
554 void main(void)
555 {
556 int count = 0;
557 while(FCGI_Accept() &gt;= 0) {
558 printf(&quot;Content-type: text/html\r\n&quot;);
559 printf(&quot;\r\n&quot;);
560 printf(&quot;Hello world!&lt;br&gt;\r\n&quot;);
561 printf(&quot;Request number %d.&quot;, count++);
562 }
563 exit(0);
564 }
566 <P>
567 This application returns a &quot;Hello world&quot; HTML response to the client. It also keeps a counter of the
568 number of times it has been accessed, displaying the value of the counter at each request.
569 </P>
570 <P>
571 The <TT>fcgi_stdio.h</TT> header file provides the FastCGI replacement routines for the C standard I/O
572 library. The <TT>FCGI_Accept()</TT> routine accepts a new request from the Web server.
573 </P>
574 <H3>
575 Migrating Existing CGI Programs
576 </H3>
577 <P>
578 The application library was designed to make migration of existing CGI programs as simple as possible. Many
579 applications can be converted by adding a loop around the main request processing code and recompiling with
580 the FastCGI application library. FastCGI applications have the following structure, with an initialization
581 section and a request processing loop:
582 </P>
583 <P>
584 <I>Initialize application;<BR>
585 </I> <TT>while(FCGI_Accept() &gt;= 0) {</TT><BR>
586 <I>Process request</I>;<BR>
587 <TT>}</TT>
588 </P>
589 <P>
590 To ease migration to FastCGI, executables built with the application library can run as either CGI or FastCGI
591 programs, depending on how they are invoked. The library detects the execution environment and automatically
592 selects FastCGI or regular I/O routines, as appropriate.
593 </P>
594 <P>
595 After migration, developers can clean up their FastCGI applications for best performance:
596 </P>
597 <UL>
598 <LI>
599 Fix any resource leaks. Many CGI programs do not attempt to manage memory or close files, because they
600 assume the world is going to be cleaned up when they exit. (If you don&#39;t want to clean up your program,
601 you can just have your process assume that it is leaking memory and exit after processing some fixed number
602 of requests.) Purify from Pure Software is one of a number of excellent tools for finding leaks and other
603 memory use problems.
604 </LI>
605 <LI>
606 Fix any problems with retained application state. The application must ensure that any state that it
607 creates in processing one request has no unintended effects on later requests.
608 </LI>
609 <LI>
610 Collapse functionality. A common practice with CGI applications is to implement many small programs, with
611 one function per program. CGI encourages this, because smaller programs load faster. With FastCGI, it&#39;s
612 better to have related functionality in a single executable, so there are fewer processes to manage and
613 applications can take advantage of sharing cached information across functions.
614 </LI>
615 </UL>
616 <P>
617 Applications written in Perl, Tcl, and other scripting languages can be migrated by using a language
618 interpreter built with the application library. FastCGI-integrated Tcl and Perl interpreters for popular Unix
619 platforms are available from Open Market. The interpreters are backward-compatible: They can run standard Tcl
620 and Perl applications.
621 </P>
622 <H2>
623 5. FastCGI in the Open Market WebServer
624 </H2>
625 <P>
626 This section describes the FastCGI support in the following Open Market server products:
627 </P>
628 <UL>
629 <LI>
630 Open Market WebServer V2.0
631 </LI>
632 <LI>
633 Open Market Secure WebServer V2.0
634 </LI>
635 <LI>
636 Open Market Secure WebServer (Global) V2.0
637 </LI>
638 </UL>
639 <P>
640 For more information about FastCGI support, see the <I>Open Market WebServer Installation and Configuration
641 Guide</I>.
642 </P>
643 <H3>
644 Server Configuration
645 </H3>
646 <P>
647 FastCGI applications are configured with the server&#39;s configuration file. Configuration has two parts.
648 </P>
649 <P>
650 First, the server administrator defines an <I>application class</I>. For local applications, the application
651 class specifies the details of running the FastCGI application, such as:
652 </P>
653 <UL>
654 <LI>
655 The pathname of the application executable.
656 </LI>
657 <LI>
658 Any arguments and environment variables to pass to the process at startup.
659 </LI>
660 <LI>
661 The number of processes to run.
662 </LI>
663 </UL>
664 <P>
665 For remote applications, the class configuration information includes the host and TCP port to connect to. The
666 Web server assumes that the FastCGI application has been started on the remote host. If a request comes in and
667 the server can&#39;t connect to the FastCGI TCP port, the server logs an error and returns an error page to
668 the client.
669 </P>
670 <P>
671 The second configuration step is mapping the application class to a role:
672 </P>
673 <UL>
674 <LI>
675 For responder roles, the administrator configures some part of the URL space to be handled by the FastCGI
676 application. For example, all URLs beginning with <SPAN CLASS="c4">/rollcall/</SPAN> might be handled by
677 the employee database application.
678 </LI>
679 <LI>
680 For filter roles, the administrator configures a file extension to be handled by a filter application. For
681 example, all files with the <SPAN CLASS="c4">.sql</SPAN> extension could be handled by a SQL query lookup
682 filter.
683 </LI>
684 <LI>
685 For authorizer roles, the administrator configures an authorizer application in the same manner as other
686 access methods (hostname, username/password, etc.) A request must pass <I>all</I> access control checks
687 (possibly including multiple FastCGI authorizers) before access is allowed.
688 </LI>
689 </UL>
690 <H3>
691 Basic FastCGI
692 </H3>
693 <P>
694 To simplify migration for existing CGI programs, the WebServer provides a simple way to install new FastCGI
695 programs without having to reconfigure the server. However, this approach doesn&#39;t offer all of the
696 performance benefits of FastCGI application classes.
697 </P>
698 <P>
699 The WebServer treats any file with the extension <SPAN CLASS="c4">.fcg</SPAN> as a FastCGI application. When a
700 request corresponds to such a file, the WebServer creates a new FastCGI process to handle the request, and
701 shuts down the process when the request is complete (just as in CGI). In this mode of operation performance is
702 comparable to CGI. Future versions of the WebServer will improve performance by automatically caching
703 processes and re-using them for subsequent requests.
704 </P>
705 <H3>
706 Session Affinity
707 </H3>
708 <P>
709 FastCGI programs can improve performance by caching information in the application process. For applications
710 that require frequent but expensive operations such as validating a username/password in an external database
711 for each request, this technique can significantly improve performance.
712 </P>
713 <P>
714 To improve the effectiveness of this technique, the WebServer implements <I>session affinity</I>. When session
715 affinity is enabled, the WebServer arranges for all requests in a user session to be handled by the same
716 FastCGI application process. What constitutes a &quot;session&quot; is configurable. The default configuration
717 uses the WebServer&#39;s built-in session tracking facility to identify user sessions. However, the server
718 administrator can use any part of the request information for the session affinity mapping: the URL path, the
719 client&#39;s hostname, the username, etc.
720 <!--Talk about applications that need to hold onto resources for the user (such as open connections to the database).-->
721 </P>
722 <H2>
723 6. FastCGI Performance Analysis
724 </H2>
725 <P>
726 How fast is FastCGI? The answer depends on the application. This section contains some real FastCGI
727 performance measurements, as well as guidelines for estimating the FastCGI speedup.
728 </P>
729 <H3>
730 FastCGI vs CGI
731 </H3>
732 <P>
733 We measured the relative performance of CGI, FastCGI, and static files on the Open Market WebServer, using a
734 simple application that generates a fixed number of output bytes. The following table shows the measured
735 request processing time for different request types on a typical platform. The times are measured from the
736 client perspective and include client, server, and application processing time.
737 </P>
738 <TABLE BORDERCOLOR="#000000" BORDER="2">
739 <TR>
740 <TD WIDTH="72">
741 <DIV CLASS="c5">
742 Static file
743 </DIV>
744 </TD>
745 <TD WIDTH="180">
746 <DIV CLASS="c5">
747 21ms + 0.19ms per Kbyte
748 </DIV>
749 </TD>
750 </TR>
751 <TR>
752 <TD WIDTH="72">
753 <DIV CLASS="c5">
754 FastCGI
755 </DIV>
756 </TD>
757 <TD WIDTH="180">
758 <DIV CLASS="c5">
759 22ms + 0.28ms per Kbyte
760 </DIV>
761 </TD>
762 </TR>
763 <TR>
764 <TD WIDTH="72">
765 <DIV CLASS="c5">
766 CGI
767 </DIV>
768 </TD>
769 <TD WIDTH="180">
770 <DIV CLASS="c5">
771 59ms + 0.37ms per Kbyte
772 </DIV>
773 </TD>
774 </TR>
775 </TABLE>
776 <P>
777 FastCGI performance is comparable to serving static files, and significantly better than CGI (clearly showing
778 the high overhead for process creation). Real applications have an additional time component: process
779 initialization, which should be added to overall request processing time.
780 </P>
781 <P>
782 Let&#39;s use this data to estimate the speedup from migrating a typical database CGI application to FastCGI.
783 Assume the application takes 50ms to initialize the database connection and generates 5K of output data.
784 Request performance can be computed as follows:
785 </P>
786 <TABLE>
787 <TR>
788 <TD WIDTH="108">
789 CGI
790 </TD>
791 <TD WIDTH="331">
792 59ms + 50ms + (0.37ms)(5) = 111ms
793 </TD>
794 </TR>
795 <TR>
796 <TD WIDTH="108">
797 FastCGI
798 </TD>
799 <TD WIDTH="331">
800 22ms + (0.28ms)(5) = 23ms
801 </TD>
802 </TR>
803 </TABLE>
804 <P>
805 In this example, FastCGI has a 5x performance advantage over CGI, mostly due to savings from not having to
806 create and initialize new processes for each request.<!--Need to talk about FastCGI vs proprietary APIs.-->
807 </P>
808 <H2>
809 7. Conclusions
810 </H2>
811 <P>
812 Today&#39;s Web business applications need a platform that&#39;s fast, open, maintainable, straightforward,
813 stable, and secure. FastCGI&#39;s design meets these requirements, and provides for a logical extension from
814 proven and widely deployed CGI technology. This allows developers to take advantage of FastCGI&#39;s benefits
815 without losing their existing investment in CGI applications.<!--Need to talk about NT.-->
817 <!--Need to give &quot;more punch&quot; to this conclusion: include info about uses for FastCGI (accessing legacy data in databases, access control, distributed applications, apps that have to run in multiple OS environments. -->
818 </P>
819 <H2>
820 8. For More Information
821 </H2>
822 <P>
823 For more information about Open Market and our products, visit our Web site at:<SPAN CLASS=
824 "c4">http://www.openmarket.com/</SPAN>
825 </P>
826 <P>
827 For more information about the FastCGI protocol and the developer&#39;s kit, and the latest information about
828 FastCGI standardization and support in other Web servers, visit the FastCGI project page at:<SPAN CLASS=
829 "c4">http://www.openmarket.com/fastcgi/</SPAN>
830 </P>
831 </BODY>