split off stemma analysis modules from base Tradition layer
[scpubgit/stemmatology.git] / base / t / graph.t
b49c4318 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict; use warnings;
b22576c6 4use Test::More;
b49c4318 5use lib 'lib';
bfcbcecb 6use File::Which;
8e1394aa 7use Text::Tradition;
b49c4318 8use XML::LibXML;
9use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
bfcbcecb 11plan skip_all => 'Need Graphviz installed to test graphs'
12 unless File::Which::which( 'dot' );
b49c4318 14my $datafile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
7035e3a6 16my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new(
17 'name' => 'inline',
18 'input' => 'CollateX',
19 'file' => $datafile,
20 );
8e1394aa 21my $collation = $tradition->collation;
b49c4318 22
23# Test the svg creation
24my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
25$parser->load_ext_dtd( 0 );
8e1394aa 26my $svg = $parser->parse_string( $collation->as_svg() );
b49c4318 27is( $svg->documentElement->nodeName(), 'svg', 'Got an svg document' );
29# Test for the correct number of nodes in the SVG
30my $svg_xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $svg->documentElement() );
31$svg_xpc->registerNs( 'svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' );
32my @svg_nodes = $svg_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="node"]' );
3265b0ce 33is( scalar @svg_nodes, 26, "Correct number of nodes in the graph" );
b49c4318 34
35# Test for the correct number of edges
36my @svg_edges = $svg_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="edge"]' );
3265b0ce 37is( scalar @svg_edges, 32, "Correct number of edges in the graph" );
b49c4318 38
b22576c6 39# Test svg creation for a subgraph
0ecb975c 40my $part_svg = $parser->parse_string( $collation->as_svg( { from => 15 } ) ); # start, no end
b22576c6 41is( $part_svg->documentElement->nodeName(), 'svg', "Got an svg subgraph to end" );
42my $part_xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $part_svg->documentElement() );
43$part_xpc->registerNs( 'svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' );
44@svg_nodes = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="node"]' );
45is( scalar( @svg_nodes ), 9,
46 "Correct number of nodes in the subgraph" );
47@svg_edges = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="edge"]' );
48is( scalar( @svg_edges ), 10,
49 "Correct number of edges in the subgraph" );
b22576c6 50
0ecb975c 51$part_svg = $parser->parse_string( $collation->as_svg( { from => 10, to => 13 } ) ); # start, no end
b22576c6 52is( $part_svg->documentElement->nodeName(), 'svg', "Got an svg subgraph in the middle" );
53$part_xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $part_svg->documentElement() );
54$part_xpc->registerNs( 'svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' );
55@svg_nodes = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="node"]' );
56is( scalar( @svg_nodes ), 9,
57 "Correct number of nodes in the subgraph" );
58@svg_edges = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="edge"]' );
59is( scalar( @svg_edges ), 11,
60 "Correct number of edges in the subgraph" );
0ecb975c 63$part_svg = $parser->parse_string( $collation->as_svg( { to => 5 } ) ); # start, no end
b22576c6 64is( $part_svg->documentElement->nodeName(), 'svg', "Got an svg subgraph from start" );
65$part_xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $part_svg->documentElement() );
66$part_xpc->registerNs( 'svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' );
67@svg_nodes = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="node"]' );
68is( scalar( @svg_nodes ), 7,
69 "Correct number of nodes in the subgraph" );
70@svg_edges = $part_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="edge"]' );
71is( scalar( @svg_edges ), 7,
72 "Correct number of edges in the subgraph" );
74SKIP: {
75 skip "lemmatization disabled for now", 1;
76 # Test for the correct common nodes
77 my @common_nodes = ( '#START#' );
78 push( @common_nodes, qw/ n1 n5 n6 n7 n12 n16 n19 n20 n27 / );
79 my @expected_nodes = map { [ $_, 1 ] } @common_nodes;
80 foreach my $idx ( qw/2 3 4 8 10 11 13 16 17 18/ ) {
81 splice( @expected_nodes, $idx, 0, [ "node_null", undef ] );
b49c4318 82 }
b22576c6 83 my @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings();
84 subtest 'Initial common points' => \&compare_active;
85 my $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... ... of ... has pierced ... ... ... #';
86 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right starting text" );
88 sub compare_active {
89 is( scalar( @active_nodes ), scalar ( @expected_nodes ),
90 "Arrays are same length" );
92 foreach ( 0 .. scalar(@active_nodes)-1 ) {
93 is( $active_nodes[$_]->[1], $expected_nodes[$_]->[1],
94 "Element has same toggle value" );
95 if( defined $active_nodes[$_]->[1] ) {
96 is( $active_nodes[$_]->[0], $expected_nodes[$_]->[0],
97 "Active or toggled element has same node name "
98 . $active_nodes[$_]->[0] );
99 }
100 }
b49c4318 101 }
b22576c6 102
103 sub make_text {
104 my @words;
105 foreach my $n ( @_ ) {
106 if( $n->[1] ) {
107 push( @words, $collation->reading( $n->[0] )->text );
108 } elsif ( !defined $n->[1] ) {
109 push( @words, '...' );
110 }
111 }
112 return join( ' ', @words );
113 }
115 # Test that the common nodes are marked common
116 foreach my $cn ( @common_nodes ) {
117 ok( $collation->reading( $cn )->is_common, "Node $cn is marked common" );
118 }
120 # Test the manuscript paths
121 my $wit_a = '# when april with his showers sweet with fruit the drought of march has pierced unto the root #';
122 my $wit_b = '# when showers sweet with april fruit the march of drought has pierced to the root #';
123 my $wit_c = '# when showers sweet with april fruit teh drought of march has pierced teh rood #';
124 is( join( ' ', @{$tradition->witness( "A" )->text} ), $wit_a, "Correct path for witness A" );
125 is( join( ' ', @{$tradition->witness( "B" )->text} ), $wit_b, "Correct path for witness B" );
126 is( join( ' ', @{$tradition->witness( "C" )->text} ), $wit_c, "Correct path for witness C" );
128 # Test the transposition identifiers
129 my $transposition_pools = [ [ 'n2', 'n11' ], [ 'n14', 'n18' ],
130 [ 'n17', 'n15' ] ];
131 my $transposed_nodes = { 'n2' => $transposition_pools->[0],
132 'n11' => $transposition_pools->[0],
133 'n14' => $transposition_pools->[1],
134 'n15' => $transposition_pools->[2],
135 'n17' => $transposition_pools->[2],
136 'n18' => $transposition_pools->[1],
137 };
139 my $real_transposed_nodes = {};
140 foreach my $r ( $collation->readings ) {
141 my @same = map { $_->name } @{$r->same_as};
142 $real_transposed_nodes->{ $r->name } = \@same if @same > 1;
143 }
145 is_deeply( $real_transposed_nodes, $transposed_nodes, "Found the right transpositions" );
147 # Test turning on a node
148 my @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n21' );
149 $expected_nodes[ 16 ] = [ "n21", 1 ];
150 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
151 subtest 'Turned on node for new location' => \&compare_active;
152 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... ... of ... has pierced unto ... ... #';
153 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
155 # Test the toggling effects of same-column
156 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n22' );
157 splice( @expected_nodes, 16, 1, ( [ "n21", 0 ], [ "n22", 1 ] ) );
158 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
159 subtest 'Turned on other node in that location' => \&compare_active;
160 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... ... of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
161 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
163 # Test the toggling effects of transposition
164 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n14' );
165 # Add the turned on node
166 $expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", 1 ];
167 # Remove the 'off' for the previous node
168 splice( @expected_nodes, 16, 1 );
169 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
170 subtest 'Turned on transposition node' => \&compare_active;
171 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... drought of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
172 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
174 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n18' );
175 # Toggle on the new node
176 $expected_nodes[ 13 ] = [ "n18", 1 ];
177 # Toggle off the transposed node
178 $expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", undef ];
179 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
180 subtest 'Turned on that node\'s partner' => \&compare_active;
181 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... ... of drought has pierced to ... ... #';
182 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
184 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n14' );
185 # Toggle on the new node
186 $expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", 1 ];
187 # Toggle off the transposed node
188 $expected_nodes[ 13 ] = [ "n18", undef ];
189 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
190 subtest 'Turned on the original node' => \&compare_active;
191 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... drought of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
192 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
194 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n15' );
195 # Toggle on the new node, and off with the old
196 splice( @expected_nodes, 11, 1, [ "n14", 0 ], [ "n15", 1 ] );
197 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
198 subtest 'Turned on the colocated node' => \&compare_active;
199 $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
200 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
202 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n3' );
203 # Toggle on the new node
204 splice( @expected_nodes, 3, 1, [ "n3", 1 ] );
205 # Remove the old toggle-off
206 splice( @expected_nodes, 11, 1 );
207 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
208 subtest 'Turned on a singleton node' => \&compare_active;
209 $string = '# when ... with ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
210 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
212 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n3' );
213 # Toggle off this node
214 splice( @expected_nodes, 3, 1, [ "n3", 0 ] );
215 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
216 subtest 'Turned off a singleton node' => \&compare_active;
217 $string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced to ... ... #';
218 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
220 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n21' );
221 splice( @expected_nodes, 16, 1, ["n22", 0 ], [ "n21", 1 ] );
222 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
223 subtest 'Turned on another node after singleton switchoff' => \&compare_active;
224 $string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced unto ... ... #';
225 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
227 # Now start testing some position identifiers
228 # 2. 'april with his' have no colocated
229 # 3. 'april' 2 has no colocated
230 # 4. 'teh' and 'the'
231 # 5. 'drought' & 'march'
232 # 6. 'march' & 'drought'
233 # 7. 'unto' 'the' 'root'...
234 # 'unto can match 'to' or 'teh'
235 # 'the' can match 'teh' or 'rood'
236 # 'root' can mach 'rood'
238 foreach my $cn ( @common_nodes ) {
239 my $cnr = $collation->reading( $cn );
240 is( scalar( $collation->same_position_as( $cnr ) ), 0, "Node $cn has no colocations" );
241 }
243 my %expected_colocations = (
244 'n2' => [], # april
245 'n3' => [], # with
246 'n4' => [], # his
247 'n11' => [], # april
248 'n8' => [ 'n13' ], # teh -> the
249 'n13' => [ 'n8' ], # the -> teh
250 'n14' => [ 'n15' ], # drought -> march
251 'n18' => [ 'n17' ], # drought -> march
252 'n17' => [ 'n18' ], # march -> drought
253 'n15' => [ 'n14' ], # march -> drought
254 'n21' => [ 'n22', 'n9' ], # unto -> to, teh
255 'n22' => [ 'n21', 'n9' ], # to -> unto, teh
256 'n9' => [ 'n21', 'n22', 'n23' ], # teh -> unto, to, the
257 'n23' => [ 'n25', 'n9' ], # the -> teh, rood
258 'n25' => [ 'n23', 'n26' ], # rood -> the, root
259 'n26' => [ 'n25' ], # root -> rood
260 );
262 foreach my $n ( keys %expected_colocations ) {
263 my $nr = $collation->reading( $n );
264 my @colocated = sort( map { $_->name } $collation->same_position_as( $nr ) );
265 is_deeply( \@colocated, $expected_colocations{$n}, "Colocated nodes for $n correct" );
266 }
268 # Test strict colocations
269 $expected_colocations{'n9'} = [];
270 $expected_colocations{'n21'} = ['n22'];
271 $expected_colocations{'n22'} = ['n21'];
272 $expected_colocations{'n23'} = [];
273 $expected_colocations{'n25'} = [];
274 $expected_colocations{'n26'} = [];
276 foreach my $n ( keys %expected_colocations ) {
277 my $nr = $collation->reading( $n );
278 my @colocated = sort( map { $_->name } $collation->same_position_as( $nr, 1 ) );
279 is_deeply( \@colocated, $expected_colocations{$n}, "Strictly colocated nodes for $n correct" );
280 }
282 # Test turning on, then off, an annoyingly overlapping node
284 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n9' );
285 # Remove the old toggle-off
286 splice( @expected_nodes, 16, 1 );
287 splice( @expected_nodes, 17, 0, [ "n9", 1 ] );
288 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
289 subtest 'Turned on a node without fixed position' => \&compare_active;
290 $string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced unto teh ... ... #';
291 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
293 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n23' );
294 splice( @expected_nodes, 18, 1, [ "n23", 1 ] );
295 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
296 subtest 'Turned on a node colocated to one without fixed position' => \&compare_active;
297 $string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced unto teh the ... #';
298 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
300 @off = $collation->toggle_reading( 'n9' );
301 splice( @expected_nodes, 17, 1, [ "n9", 0 ] );
302 @active_nodes = $collation->lemma_readings( @off );
303 subtest 'Turned on a node colocated to one without fixed position' => \&compare_active;
304 $string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit ... march of ... has pierced unto the ... #';
305 is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
307 ### Now test relationship madness.
309 my( $result, @relations ) = $collation->add_relationship( 'n25', 'n23', {'type' => 'lexical'} ); # rood -> the
310 ok( $result, "Added relationship between nodes" );
311 is( scalar @relations, 1, "Returned only the one collapse" );
312 is_deeply( $relations[0], [ 'n25', 'n23' ], "Returned the correct collapse" );
313 is( $collation->reading( 'n25' )->position->reference, '9,3', "Harmonized position for n25 correct" );
314 is( $collation->reading( 'n23' )->position->reference, '9,3', "Harmonized position for n23 correct" );
315 is( $collation->reading( 'n9' )->position->reference, '9,2', "Adjusted position for n9 correct" );
317 # Do some yucky hardcoded cleanup to undo this relationship.
318 $collation->reading('n25')->position->max( 4 );
319 $collation->reading('n9')->position->max( 3 );
320 $collation->graph->del_edge( $collation->reading('n25')->edges_to( $collation->reading('n23')) );
322 ( $result, @relations ) = $collation->add_relationship( 'n26', 'n25', {'type' => 'spelling'} ); # root -> rood
323 ok( $result, "Added relationship between nodes" );
324 is( scalar @relations, 1, "Returned only the one collapse" );
325 is_deeply( $relations[0], [ 'n26', 'n25' ], "Returned the correct collapse" );
326 is( $collation->reading( 'n26' )->position->reference, '9,4', "Harmonized position for n26 correct" );
327 is( $collation->reading( 'n25' )->position->reference, '9,4', "Harmonized position for n25 correct" );
328 is( $collation->reading( 'n9' )->position->reference, '9,2-3', "Adjusted position for n9 correct" );
330 ( $result, @relations ) = $collation->add_relationship( 'n15', 'n9', {'type' => 'lexical'} ); # bogus march -> teh
331 ok( !$result, "Refused to add skewed relationship: " . $relations[0] );
333 ( $result, @relations ) = $collation->add_relationship( 'n25', 'n26', {'type' => 'spelling'} ); # root -> rood
334 ok( !$result, "Refused to add dupe relationship: " . $relations[0] );
336 ( $result, @relations ) = $collation->add_relationship( 'n8', 'n13', {'type' => 'spelling', 'global' => 1 } ); # teh -> the
337 ok( $result, "Added global relationship between nodes" );
338 is( scalar @relations, 2, "Returned two relationship creations" );
339 is_deeply( $relations[0], [ 'n8', 'n13' ], "Returned the original collapse" );
340 is_deeply( $relations[1], [ 'n9', 'n23' ], "Returned the other collapse" );
341 is( $collation->reading( 'n8' )->position->reference, '6,2', "Harmonized position for n8 correct" );
342 is( $collation->reading( 'n9' )->position->reference, '9,3', "Harmonized position for n9 correct" );
4cdd82f1 343}
b49c4318 345done_testing();