import Devel-Size 0.55 from CPAN
[p5sagit/Devel-Size.git] / Size.xs
e98cedbf 1#include "EXTERN.h"
2#include "perl.h"
3#include "XSUB.h"
6a9ad7ec 5#define carp puts
a6ea0805 7#if !defined(NV)
8#define NV double
6a9ad7ec 11/* Checks to see if thing is in the hash. Returns true or false, and
12 notes thing in the hash.
14 This code does one Evil Thing. Since we're tracking pointers, we
15 tell perl that the string key is the address in the pointer. We do this by
16 passing in the address of the address, along with the size of a
17 pointer as the length. Perl then uses the four (or eight, on
18 64-bit machines) bytes of the address as the string we're using as
19 the key */
20IV check_new(HV *tracking_hash, void *thing) {
21 if (hv_exists(tracking_hash, (char *)&thing, sizeof(void *))) {
22 return FALSE;
23 }
24 hv_store(tracking_hash, (char *)&thing, sizeof(void *), &PL_sv_undef, 0);
25 return TRUE;
29/* Figure out how much magic is attached to the SV and return the
30 size */
31IV magic_size(SV *thing, HV *tracking_hash) {
32 IV total_size = 0;
33 MAGIC *magic_pointer;
35 /* Is there any? */
36 if (!SvMAGIC(thing)) {
37 /* No, bail */
38 return 0;
39 }
41 /* Get the base magic pointer */
42 magic_pointer = SvMAGIC(thing);
44 /* Have we seen the magic pointer? */
45 while (magic_pointer && check_new(tracking_hash, magic_pointer)) {
46 total_size += sizeof(MAGIC);
48 /* Have we seen the magic vtable? */
49 if (magic_pointer->mg_virtual &&
50 check_new(tracking_hash, magic_pointer->mg_virtual)) {
51 total_size += sizeof(MGVTBL);
52 }
54 /* Get the next in the chain */
55 magic_pointer = magic_pointer->mg_moremagic;
56 }
58 return total_size;
62UV thing_size(SV *orig_thing, HV *tracking_hash) {
e98cedbf 63 SV *thing = orig_thing;
64 UV total_size = sizeof(SV);
e98cedbf 66 switch (SvTYPE(thing)) {
67 /* Is it undef? */
68 case SVt_NULL:
69 break;
70 /* Just a plain integer. This will be differently sized depending
71 on whether purify's been compiled in */
72 case SVt_IV:
73#ifdef PURIFY
74 total_size += sizeof(sizeof(XPVIV));
76 total_size += sizeof(IV);
78 break;
79 /* Is it a float? Like the int, it depends on purify */
80 case SVt_NV:
81#ifdef PURIFY
82 total_size += sizeof(sizeof(XPVNV));
84 total_size += sizeof(NV);
86 break;
87 /* Is it a reference? */
88 case SVt_RV:
89 total_size += sizeof(XRV);
90 break;
91 /* How about a plain string? In which case we need to add in how
92 much has been allocated */
93 case SVt_PV:
94 total_size += sizeof(XPV);
95 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
96 break;
97 /* A string with an integer part? */
98 case SVt_PVIV:
99 total_size += sizeof(XPVIV);
100 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
101 break;
102 /* A string with a float part? */
103 case SVt_PVNV:
104 total_size += sizeof(XPVNV);
105 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
106 break;
107 case SVt_PVMG:
4ab42718 108 total_size += sizeof(XPVMG);
109 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
6a9ad7ec 110 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
e98cedbf 111 break;
112 case SVt_PVBM:
6a9ad7ec 113 total_size += sizeof(XPVBM);
114 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
115 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
e98cedbf 116 break;
117 case SVt_PVLV:
6a9ad7ec 118 total_size += sizeof(XPVLV);
119 total_size += SvLEN(thing);
120 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
e98cedbf 121 break;
122 /* How much space is dedicated to the array? Not counting the
123 elements in the array, mind, just the array itself */
124 case SVt_PVAV:
125 total_size += sizeof(XPVAV);
126 /* Is there anything in the array? */
127 if (AvMAX(thing) != -1) {
128 total_size += sizeof(SV *) * AvMAX(thing);
129 }
130 /* Add in the bits on the other side of the beginning */
131 total_size += (sizeof(SV *) * (AvARRAY(thing) - AvALLOC(thing)));
132 /* Is there something hanging off the arylen element? */
133 if (AvARYLEN(thing)) {
6a9ad7ec 134 if (check_new(tracking_hash, AvARYLEN(thing))) {
135 total_size += thing_size(AvARYLEN(thing), tracking_hash);
136 }
e98cedbf 137 }
6a9ad7ec 138 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
e98cedbf 139 break;
140 case SVt_PVHV:
a6ea0805 141 /* First the base struct */
142 total_size += sizeof(XPVHV);
143 /* Now the array of buckets */
144 total_size += (sizeof(HE *) * (HvMAX(thing) + 1));
145 /* Now walk the bucket chain */
6a9ad7ec 146 if (HvARRAY(thing)) {
a6ea0805 147 HE *cur_entry;
148 IV cur_bucket = 0;
a6ea0805 149 for (cur_bucket = 0; cur_bucket <= HvMAX(thing); cur_bucket++) {
150 cur_entry = *(HvARRAY(thing) + cur_bucket);
151 while (cur_entry) {
152 total_size += sizeof(HE);
153 if (cur_entry->hent_hek) {
6a9ad7ec 154 /* Hash keys can be shared. Have we seen this before? */
155 if (check_new(tracking_hash, cur_entry->hent_hek)) {
b98fcdb9 156 total_size += HEK_BASESIZE + cur_entry->hent_hek->hek_len + 2;
6a9ad7ec 157 }
a6ea0805 158 }
159 cur_entry = cur_entry->hent_next;
160 }
161 }
162 }
6a9ad7ec 163 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
e98cedbf 164 break;
165 case SVt_PVCV:
6a9ad7ec 166 total_size += sizeof(XPVCV);
5c2e1b12 167 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
6a9ad7ec 168 carp("CV isn't complete");
e98cedbf 169 break;
170 case SVt_PVGV:
5c2e1b12 171 total_size += magic_size(thing, tracking_hash);
6a9ad7ec 172 total_size += sizeof(XPVGV);
5c2e1b12 173 total_size += GvNAMELEN(thing);
0bff12d8 174 /* Is there a file? */
175 if (GvFILE(thing)) {
176 if (check_new(tracking_hash, GvFILE(thing))) {
177 total_size += strlen(GvFILE(thing));
178 }
179 }
5c2e1b12 180 /* Is there something hanging off the glob? */
181 if (GvGP(thing)) {
182 if (check_new(tracking_hash, GvGP(thing))) {
183 total_size += sizeof(GP);
184 }
185 }
e98cedbf 186 break;
187 case SVt_PVFM:
6a9ad7ec 188 total_size += sizeof(XPVFM);
189 carp("FM isn't complete");
e98cedbf 190 break;
191 case SVt_PVIO:
6a9ad7ec 192 total_size += sizeof(XPVIO);
193 carp("IO isn't complete");
e98cedbf 194 break;
195 default:
196 croak("Unknown variable type");
197 }
198 return total_size;
e98cedbf 201MODULE = Devel::Size PACKAGE = Devel::Size
a6ea0805 205IV
207 SV *orig_thing
e98cedbf 208CODE:
6a9ad7ec 210 SV *thing = orig_thing;
211 /* Hash to track our seen pointers */
212 HV *tracking_hash = newHV();
214 /* If they passed us a reference then dereference it. This is the
215 only way we can check the sizes of arrays and hashes */
216 if (SvOK(thing) && SvROK(thing)) {
217 thing = SvRV(thing);
218 }
220 RETVAL = thing_size(thing, tracking_hash);
221 /* Clean up after ourselves */
222 SvREFCNT_dec(tracking_hash);
230 SV *orig_thing
233 SV *thing = orig_thing;
234 /* Hash to track our seen pointers */
235 HV *tracking_hash = newHV();
236 AV *pending_array = newAV();
b98fcdb9 237 IV size = 0;
239 IV count = 0;
6a9ad7ec 240
241 /* Size starts at zero */
242 RETVAL = 0;
244 /* If they passed us a reference then dereference it. This is the
245 only way we can check the sizes of arrays and hashes */
246 if (SvOK(thing) && SvROK(thing)) {
247 thing = SvRV(thing);
248 }
250 /* Put it on the pending array */
251 av_push(pending_array, thing);
253 /* Now just yank things off the end of the array until it's done */
e96acca9 254 while (av_len(pending_array) >= 0) {
255 thing = av_pop(pending_array);
6a9ad7ec 256 /* Process it if we've not seen it */
257 if (check_new(tracking_hash, thing)) {
e96acca9 258 /* Is it valid? */
259 if (thing) {
6a9ad7ec 260 /* Yes, it is. So let's check the type */
6a9ad7ec 261 switch (SvTYPE(thing)) {
262 case SVt_RV:
263 av_push(pending_array, SvRV(thing));
264 break;
266 case SVt_PVAV:
267 {
268 /* Quick alias to cut down on casting */
269 AV *tempAV = (AV *)thing;
270 SV **tempSV;
272 /* Any elements? */
273 if (av_len(tempAV) != -1) {
274 IV index;
275 /* Run through them all */
276 for (index = 0; index <= av_len(tempAV); index++) {
277 /* Did we get something? */
278 if (tempSV = av_fetch(tempAV, index, 0)) {
279 /* Was it undef? */
280 if (*tempSV != &PL_sv_undef) {
281 /* Apparently not. Save it for later */
282 av_push(pending_array, *tempSV);
283 }
284 }
285 }
286 }
287 }
288 break;
290 case SVt_PVHV:
e96acca9 291 /* Is there anything in here? */
292 if (hv_iterinit((HV *)thing)) {
5c2e1b12 293 HE *temp_he;
294 while (temp_he = hv_iternext((HV *)thing)) {
295 av_push(pending_array, hv_iterval((HV *)thing, temp_he));
e96acca9 296 }
297 }
6a9ad7ec 298 break;
5c2e1b12 300 case SVt_PVGV:
0bff12d8 301 /* Run through all the pieces and push the ones with bits */
302 if (GvSV(thing)) {
303 av_push(pending_array, (SV *)GvSV(thing));
304 }
305 if (GvFORM(thing)) {
306 av_push(pending_array, (SV *)GvFORM(thing));
307 }
308 if (GvAV(thing)) {
309 av_push(pending_array, (SV *)GvAV(thing));
310 }
311 if (GvHV(thing)) {
312 av_push(pending_array, (SV *)GvHV(thing));
313 }
314 if (GvCV(thing)) {
315 av_push(pending_array, (SV *)GvCV(thing));
316 }
317 break;
6a9ad7ec 318 default:
e96acca9 319 break;
6a9ad7ec 320 }
321 }
b98fcdb9 323
324 size = thing_size(thing, tracking_hash);
325 RETVAL += size;
326 // printf("added thing of size %i, thing #%i\n", size, count++);
6a9ad7ec 327 }
328 }
330 /* Clean up after ourselves */
b98fcdb9 331 // printf("For info, refcounts are %i, %i\n", SvREFCNT(tracking_hash), SvREFCNT(pending_array));
6a9ad7ec 332 SvREFCNT_dec(tracking_hash);
333 SvREFCNT_dec(pending_array);
e98cedbf 334}
6a9ad7ec 337