[catagits/Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP.git] / README
a93dbce7 1NAME
2 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP - Authentication from an LDAP
3 Directory.
fa35fd6f 4
a93dbce7 5SYNOPSIS
6 use Catalyst qw(
7 Authentication
8 );
fa35fd6f 9
a93dbce7 10 __PACKAGE__->config(
11 'authentication' => {
12 default_realm => "ldap",
13 realms => {
14 ldap => {
15 credential => {
16 class => "Password",
17 password_field => "password",
18 password_type => "self_check",
19 },
20 store => {
21 binddn => "anonymous",
22 bindpw => "dontcarehow",
23 class => "LDAP",
24 ldap_server => "ldap.yourcompany.com",
25 ldap_server_options => { timeout => 30 },
26 role_basedn => "ou=groups,ou=OxObjects,dc=yourcompany,dc=com",
27 role_field => "uid",
28 role_filter => "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s))",
29 role_scope => "one",
30 role_search_options => { deref => "always" },
31 role_value => "dn",
32 role_search_as_user => 0,
33 start_tls => 1,
34 start_tls_options => { verify => "none" },
35 entry_class => "MyApp::LDAP::Entry",
36 use_roles => 1,
37 user_basedn => "ou=people,dc=yourcompany,dc=com",
38 user_field => "uid",
39 user_filter => "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))",
57d476f1 40 user_scope => "one", # or "sub" for Active Directory
a93dbce7 41 user_search_options => { deref => "always" },
42 user_results_filter => sub { return shift->pop_entry },
43 },
44 },
45 },
46 },
47 );
fa35fd6f 48
a93dbce7 49 sub login : Global {
50 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
fa35fd6f 51
a93dbce7 52 $c->authenticate({
53 id => $c->req->param("login"),
54 password => $c->req->param("password")
55 });
56 $c->res->body("Welcome " . $c->user->username . "!");
57 }
fa35fd6f 58
a93dbce7 59DESCRIPTION
60 This plugin implements the Catalyst::Authentication v.10 API. Read that
61 documentation first if you are upgrading from a previous version of this
62 plugin.
fa35fd6f 63
a93dbce7 64 This plugin uses "Net::LDAP" to let your application authenticate
65 against an LDAP directory. It has a pretty high degree of flexibility,
66 given the wide variation of LDAP directories and schemas from one system
67 to another.
fa35fd6f 68
a93dbce7 69 It authenticates users in two steps:
fa35fd6f 70
a93dbce7 71 1) A search of the directory is performed, looking for a user object
72 that matches the username you pass. This is done with the bind
73 credentials supplied in the "binddn" and "bindpw" configuration options.
fa35fd6f 74
a93dbce7 75 2) If that object is found, we then re-bind to the directory as that
76 object. Assuming this is successful, the user is Authenticated.
fa35fd6f 77
79 Configuring with YAML
80 Set Configuration to be loaded via Config.yml in YourApp.pm
fa35fd6f 81
a93dbce7 82 use YAML qw(LoadFile);
83 use Path::Class 'file';
fa35fd6f 84
a93dbce7 85 __PACKAGE__->config(
86 LoadFile(
87 file(__PACKAGE__->config->{home}, 'Config.yml')
88 )
89 );
fa35fd6f 90
a93dbce7 91 Settings in Config.yml (adapt these to whatever configuration format you
92 use):
fa35fd6f 93
a93dbce7 94 # Config for Store::LDAP
95 authentication:
96 default_realm: ldap
97 realms:
98 ldap:
99 credential:
100 class: Password
101 password_field: password
102 password_type: self_check
103 store:
104 class: LDAP
105 ldap_server: ldap.yourcompany.com
106 ldap_server_options:
107 timeout: 30
108 binddn: anonymous
109 bindpw: dontcarehow
110 start_tls: 1
111 start_tls_options:
112 verify: none
113 user_basedn: ou=people,dc=yourcompany,dc=com
114 user_filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
115 user_scope: one
116 user_field: uid
117 user_search_options:
118 deref: always
119 use_roles: 1
120 role_basedn: ou=groups,ou=OxObjects,dc=yourcompany,dc=com
121 role_filter: (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s))
122 role_scope: one
123 role_field: uid
124 role_value: dn
125 role_search_options:
126 deref: always
128 NOTE: The settings above reflect the default values for OpenLDAP. If you
129 are using Active Directory instead, Matija Grabnar suggests that the
130 following tweeks to the example configuration will work:
132 user_basedn: ou=Domain Users,ou=Accounts,dc=mycompany,dc=com
133 user_field: samaccountname
57d476f1 134 user_filter: (sAMAccountName=%s)
135 user_scope: sub
a93dbce7 136
137 He also notes: "I found the case in the value of user_field to be
138 significant: it didn't seem to work when I had the mixed case value
139 there."
141 ldap_server
142 This should be the hostname of your LDAP server.
144 ldap_server_options
145 This should be a hashref containing options to pass to Net::LDAP->new().
146 See Net::LDAP for the full list.
148 binddn
149 This should be the DN of the object you wish to bind to the directory as
150 during the first phase of authentication. (The user lookup phase)
152 If you supply the value "anonymous" to this option, we will bind
153 anonymously to the directory. This is the default.
155 bindpw
156 This is the password for the initial bind.
158 start_tls
159 If this is set to 1, we will convert the LDAP connection to use SSL.
161 start_tls_options
162 This is a hashref, which contains the arguments to the Net::LDAP
163 start_tls method. See Net::LDAP for the complete list of options.
165 user_basedn
166 This is the basedn for the initial user lookup. Usually points to the
167 top of your "users" branch; ie "ou=people,dc=yourcompany,dc=com".
169 user_filter
170 This is the LDAP Search filter used during user lookup. The special
171 string '%s' will be replaced with the username you pass to $c->login. By
172 default it is set to '(uid=%s)'. Other possibly useful filters:
174 (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
175 (&(objectClass=User)(cn=%s))
177 user_scope
178 This specifies the scope of the search for the initial user lookup.
179 Valid values are "base", "one", and "sub". Defaults to "sub".
181 user_field
182 This is the attribute of the returned LDAP object we will use for their
183 "username". This defaults to "uid". If you had user_filter set to:
185 (&(objectClass=User)(cn=%s))
187 You would probably set this to "cn". You can also set it to an array, to
188 allow more than one login field. The first field will be returned as
189 identifier for the user.
191 user_search_options
192 This takes a hashref. It will append it's values to the call to
193 Net::LDAP's "search" method during the initial user lookup. See
194 Net::LDAP for valid options.
196 Be careful not to specify:
198 filter
199 scope
200 base
202 As they are already taken care of by other configuration options.
204 user_results_filter
205 This is a Perl CODE ref that can be used to filter out multiple results
206 from your LDAP query. In theory, your LDAP query should only return one
207 result and find_user() will throw an exception if it encounters more
208 than one result. However, if you have, for whatever reason, a legitimate
209 reason for returning multiple search results from your LDAP query, use
210 "user_results_filter" to filter out the LDAP entries you do not want
211 considered. Your CODE ref should expect a single argument, a
212 Net::LDAP::Search object, and it should return exactly one value, a
213 Net::LDAP::Entry object.
215 Example:
217 user_results_filter => sub {
218 my $search_obj = shift;
219 foreach my $entry ($search_obj->entries) {
220 return $entry if my_match_logic( $entry );
221 }
222 return undef; # i.e., no match
223 }
934094a2 224
a93dbce7 225 use_roles
226 Whether or not to enable role lookups. It defaults to true; set it to 0
227 if you want to always avoid role lookups.
229 role_basedn
230 This should be the basedn where the LDAP Objects representing your roles
231 are.
233 role_filter
234 This should be the LDAP Search filter to use during the role lookup. It
235 defaults to '(memberUid=%s)'. The %s in this filter is replaced with the
236 value of the "role_value" configuration option.
238 So, if you had a role_value of "cn", then this would be populated with
239 the cn of the User's LDAP object. The special case is a role_value of
240 "dn", which will be replaced with the User's DN.
242 role_scope
243 This specifies the scope of the search for the user's role lookup. Valid
244 values are "base", "one", and "sub". Defaults to "sub".
246 role_field
247 Should be set to the Attribute of the Role Object's returned during Role
248 lookup you want to use as the "name" of the role. Defaults to "CN".
250 role_value
251 This is the attribute of the User object we want to use in our
252 role_filter. If this is set to "dn", we will use the User Objects DN.
254 role_search_options
255 This takes a hashref. It will append it's values to the call to
256 Net::LDAP's "search" method during the user's role lookup. See Net::LDAP
257 for valid options.
259 Be careful not to specify:
261 filter
262 scope
263 base
265 As they are already taken care of by other configuration options.
267 role_search_as_user
268 By default this setting is false, and the role search will be performed
269 by binding to the directory with the details in the *binddn* and
270 *bindpw* fields. If this is set to false, then the role search will
271 instead be performed when bound as the user you authenticated as.
273 entry_class
274 The name of the class of LDAP entries returned. This class should exist
275 and is expected to be a subclass of Net::LDAP::Entry
277 user_class
278 The name of the class of user object returned. By default, this is
279 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::User.
282 new
283 This method will populate "default_auth_store" in
284 Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication with this object.
287 Adam Jacob <holoway@cpan.org>
289 Some parts stolen shamelessly and entirely from
290 Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd.
292 Currently maintained by Peter Karman <karman@cpan.org>.
295 To nothingmuch, ghenry, castaway and the rest of #catalyst for the help.
296 :)
299 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP,
300 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::User,
301 Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::Backend,
302 Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Net::LDAP
305 Copyright (c) 2005 the aforementioned authors. All rights reserved. This
306 program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
307 the same terms as Perl itself.
fa35fd6f 308