Skipping some tests for now
[sdlgit/SDL_perl.git] / INSTALL
1bc49602 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2| SDL Perl
3| Install Information Doc
6Well, there has to become a time when every project has a file dictating the
7best known way to install a program.
9In this case, the time is now.
11Table of Contents:
12 1 : System Requirements [ANAL1]
13 2 : Grabbing the necessary version of SDL Perl, release [PROD2]
14 3 : Same as above, but of the bleeding edge variety [EMO3]
16ANAL1: System Requirements
18For SDL Perl, you will, of course need a copy of libSDL. Which should be
19available via your system's usual method of grabbing this. Generally a
20package manager similar to Gentoo's Emerge, Fedora's yum, opensuse's YaST,
21Debian|Ubuntu's apt, etc., etc., will have libSDL as the package. I (Katrina
22Payne) really have no idea the best method to get it working in the best
23practice method on Windows.
25Anyways, oddly enough, SDL Perl's package on your system may not include all
26the files required for this to properly install. Go figure, huh?
28Additional libaries you need to make certain are on your systems:
30 * png
31 * jpeg
32 * smpeg
33 * OpenGL (GL)
34 * GLUT (GLU)
35 * SDL_image
36 * SDL_mixer
37 * SDL_net
38 * SDL_tiff
39 * SDL_gfx
40 * SDL_ttf
42Yeah, there are allegedly tests to make sure these are on your system,
43however sometimes we are a little forgetful, and we miss them.
45PROD2: Grabbing the Necessary Version of SDL Perl, release
47This is kind of redundant at this point, as you more than likely have this
48file, or most likely do not need this section. However, for the sake of
49completeness, I am including this (perhaps this section should be the one with
50the ANAL1 find index?).
52(skip to 0COOL if you have cpan set up on your system)
54Anyways go onto your shell, assuming it is bash, and not something silly like
55tcsh, ksh, zsh or lispsh (in which case, you likely know what you are doing),
56type the following (FOR GREAT JUSTICE!):
58 $ perl -MCPAN -e "shell"
60General convention states that prefixing a command with a '$' indicates you
61are doing this command in Userland. Do _not_ type the dollar sign. If you
62really do like typing dollar signs compulsively, we do have a donation button
63that you make use of.
65You will be confronted with a large amount of options for how to properly set
66this up. As far as I (Katrina) am (is) aware, generally the defaults should be
67fine for most cases. In the odd cases they are not, well check the contacts
68information for more details. In the CONTACTS file (eventually).
72In the very odd occurance that you have already done this in this shell in
73some previous time in a spot that this user can see the required items for,
74you would simply type:
76 $ cpan
78You will be presented with the CPAN prompt at this point. It is best if you
79type the following command to make certain you are aware of the options
80involved in the matter as you are doing this, incase I (Katrina) screw up
81this file, and you can let me (Katrina) know fully well, how much of a screw
82up you think I made:
84 CPAN> help
86Yeah, CPAN> denotes we are now inside CPAN BTW. And know you know, and
87knowing is half the battle.
89After this, you should prolly make certain your kit is up to date. This can
90be done via:
92 CPAN> upgrade /.*/
94I am certain some of the other more established monks will prolly be
95thwapping me with their canes (I am hoping for a high grade mahogany, made by
96the trees on the planet Malkior 7, where the trees are over 400 feet high.
97AND BREATHE FIRE! Built through the ancient blood rituals of the Malkior
98People, these canes are nigh indestructable and can bend the fabric of the
99universe--they are also a very fine material. Very impressive)
101Alright now that your kit is insanely up to date you would type:
103 CPAN> install SDLPerl
105Now you are ready to run and program SDLPerl applications.
107EMO3: Same as Above, but The Bleeding Edge.
109If you have already initially grab the git repo, jump do to [9CEREAL]
111Well, in this case you will need git install onto the computer. This project,
112at the time of writing this (20091022), uses github to manage its services.
113You can grab your copy of the git repo via:
115 $ git clone git://
117In case you did not read [PROD2], the '$' you have here indicates that this
118stuff is typed into a shell prompt in somewhere in userland. You do not
119actually need to type the '$' on the shell. Your shell provides the Big Money
120for you!... unless you are using something odd like tcsh... or know how to
121customised your prompt... or possibly 1006 other posibilities that have not
122really occured to me (Katrina) at the time of writing this.
126When you want to update your clone--as they need to be fed. I mean, you would
127not want to starve your clone. I mean, while I am not certain Geneva
128conventions apply to clones as they technically are not human, you know, not
129being created by God, and .'. not having souls (though you need to ask: do you
130really want a soulless monster displeased at you? I mean, it can do what it
131wants without worrying of eternal damnation). So to feed this monstrocity that
132you have raised on your computer (which work by a wizard's magic anyways),
133you go into the directory that the git repo is in (in the git repo itself, not
134the directory that you did the `git clone` in), and type the following:
136 $ git pull
138Now to build this, you type the arcane words (and no, it really does not
139matter what sign the moon is in... but if it makes you feel better, you can
140type this when the moon is in the sextan sign, just my own suggestion)
142 $ perl Build.PL
143 $ perl Build test && perl Build Bundle
145Okay.. the first one, will build the require tools you need to work with to
146install the wonder, that is the developmental version of SDL Perl.
148The next one goes:
150Okay, I am testing to make certain the system can handle me.
152If that goes well (and _only_ if), it goes, "wow! It likes me! IT REALLY
153LIKES ME!"--after prancing around in front of the mirror and trying to do up
154her Perl and XS coloured hair in a nice looking manner, and choose a pretty
155dress to wear (she will try to be the best looking developmental perl libary
156on the system. Oh~ all the _other_ developmental perl libraries will be so
157jealous of her~).
159Then if there is an issue getting herself all pretty this command will have
160her just stop there... your best bet is to give her comfort food. Of the
161kind of reports on the SDL Perl tracker, as I am not really certain if SDL
162Perl likes Hagan Daaz, but then I have not ask her, and well, you really are
163not in the place to ask. After all, she will likely blame you or your system
164for why she does not look pretty--programs that end up not compiling
165properly tend to have self esteem issues. Sending something to the tracker
166pretty much is a way of telling her you are interested... this usually helps
167her to stop watching old reruns of Inu Yasha (yeah, SDL Perl is still kind of
168young) and get back to feeling better.
170Anyways, if all goes well and she feels all pretty looking, she just skips
171all the romance and moves into your system with perl Build install. Yush,
172that is right, you type in:
174 # perl Build install
176Oh yeah, '#' is a form of notation that this command is to be typed in as the
177avatar user... or a super user account.
179And... bob is your uncle.