put strictures before package statement
[gitmo/MooseX-Daemonize.git] / IDEAS
5b9ebe08 1* 2:36 : mike : A slightly different would be to have another object, which is a
2daemon, which is the keeper of the PIDs. It can bind to a port and then your other
3objects would actually cause things to happen without needing a PID file.
6[12:16] <blblack> I guess what I'm saying is that start() has three possible results: success, already running, failed to start
7[12:17] <stevan> I am not as familair as you are with this stuff so I am not 100% of al the things
8[12:17] <blblack> and stop() does too: success, not running, failed to stop
9[12:17] <stevan> k
10[12:17] <stevan> perfect
11[12:17] <stevan> I will add em :)
13[12:18] <stevan> can you map the exit value to those three states (sorry I am not familiar with these details myself)
14[12:18] <blblack> for most people, the right answer is that start()'s success/already_running should return OK to the OS, failed returns error
15[12:18] <stevan> OK = 0, ERROR = 1?
16[12:18] <blblack> and stop()'s success/not_running should also be OK (exit 0)