Just some cosmetic changes to the docs.
[dbsrgits/SQL-Translator.git] / AUTHORS
490e7be4 1The following people have contributed to the SQLFairy project:
c81fbf98 2
490e7be4 3- Mark Addison <grommit@users.sourceforge.net>
4- Sam Angiuoli <angiuoli@users.sourceforge.net>
7d42cdde 5- Dave Cash <dave@gnofn.org>
490e7be4 6- Darren Chamberlain <dlc@users.sourceforge.net>
7- Ken Y. Clark <kclark@cpan.org>
8- Allen Day <allenday@users.sourceforge.net>
9- Paul Harrington <phrrngtn@users.sourceforge.net>
10- Mikey Melillo <mmelillo@users.sourceforge.net>
11- Chris Mungall <cjm@fruitfly.org>
12- Ross Smith II <rossta@users.sf.net>
13- Gudmundur A. Thorisson <mummi@cshl.org>
14- Chris To <christot@users.sourceforge.net>
15- Jason Williams <smdwilliams@users.sourceforge.net>
f0022874 16- Ying Zhang <zyolive@yahoo.com>
c81fbf98 17
18If you would like to contribute to the project, you can send patches
19to the developers mailing list:
21 sqlfairy-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
23Or send us a message (with your Sourceforge username) asking to be
24added to the project and what you'd like to contribute.